The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has released the results of the 2024 November/December West African Senior School Certificate Examinations (WASSCE), for private candidates (second series). The Head of National Office, WAEC Nigeria, Dr Amos Dangut, announced the release of the results in a statement on Sunday.
It was reported that a total of 65,023 candidates sat the examination, out of which 34,878 candidates, representing 53.64%, obtained credits and above in at least five mandatory subjects, including English Language and Mathematics.
Similarly, a total of 16, 886 candidates (representing 48.41%) out of the total number who obtained credits and above in at least five mandatory subjects, including English Language and Mathematics in the exam under review were males while 17,992 representing 51.58% were females, indicating that more females did better than their male counterparts in the exam.
62,364 candidates from the total number, representing 95.90%, already had their results fully processed and released, while 2,669 candidates, representing 4.1% still have one or more results being processed due to errors traceable to them.
The results of 2,577 (representing 3.98%) of the total number of candidates who sat the exam are being withheld in connection with various reported cases of exam malpractice and their cases would be investigated to determine their fate if their results would be eventually released or cancelled.
The WAEC boss asked candidates to start checking their results on the council’s website given as www.waecdirect.org, and also apply for hard copies of their certificates which are available already online through the WAEC Certificate Request Portal (e-Certman) website, given as https://certrequest.waec.ng.
Candidates who sat the examination should follow the procedure below to check their results;
- Log on to https://www.waecdirect.org/
- Enter Examination number
- Select Examination year as 2024
- Select Examination type as PRIVATE CANDIDATES
- Enter your PIN and serial number
- Then click on submit to view your results