*Unseen Drama
Williams Shakespeare: Othello
*African Prose
Amma Darko: Faceless
Bayo Adebowale: Lonely Days
*Non-African Prose
Richard Wright: Native Son
Patience Swift: The Last Goodman
*Non-African Drama
Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer
Lorraine Hansberry: A Raisin in the Sun
*African Drama
Frank Ogodo Ogbeche: Harvest of Corruption
Dele Charley: The Blood of a Stranger
*African Poetry
Birago Diop: Vanity
Gbemisola Adeoti: Ambush
Gabriel Okara: Piano and Drums
Gbanabam Hallowell: The Dinning Table
Lenrie Peter: The Panic of Growing Older
Kofi Awoonor: The Anvil and the Hammer
*Non-African Poetry
Alfred Tennyson: Crossing the Bar
George Herbert: The Pulley
William Blake: The School Boy
William Morris: The Proud King
Robert Frost Birches: Birches
Williams Shakespeare: Shall I compare thee to a Summer's Day?