12 Universities have been nominated for the 2018 .NG Awards in the "Best Tertiary Institution website/portal" category.
The universities that were nominated include ABU, FUTO, AKSU, IBBU, UNILORIN, UNIUYO, UNIJOS, FUTMINNA, NSUK OAU, Mountain Top University and Edo State University.
The .ng Awards celebrate the achievements and innovation of Nigerian Internet initiatives and are open to any organization or individual whose activity online is outstanding, using the .ng domain name.
Voting is open to the general public. Voting for nominees by the general public carry 40% of the total voting score, while the Jury vote carry 60% of the total voting score.
You can vote for your favourite university by visiting https://www.nira.org.ng/ngawards/vote.php#ChildVerticalTab_15 select the "Best Tertiary Institution website/portal" category and choose the university you want to vote for. Voting ends June 22.