Vital Tips On How To Live Big With Little Income

Vital Tips On How To Live Big With Little Income

The effect of the kind of mentality we carry at times often limit us to doing little things. The major reason why some of us has failed to leave our present state of being to a higher realm is due to the kind of orientation and mentality we carry.

It is though not to be doubted that if you get an high pay, there is high tendency to leave big so is it even if you get a low pay. It is all about ;

• Wisdom,
• Planning, &
• Packaging.

Life and experience has thought me so many things among which I will be sharing in this post.

My mum used to tell me about a well educated man who happened to work in one of the biggest banks in Nigeria with a sure fat pay but had nothing to show at retirement after over 30years in service.

Forget witches and wizard, he spent most of the money gambling. He is now living with his daughter in a small apartment. Yes, we are reading about him, hope you aren't making the same mistake ?

I happened to work as a teacher after my ssce and I earned a pay of seven thousand naira then per month. As little as it was, I had friends who use this money as if they earn more, they manage damn well. On the other hand I would have collected things on credit before I even get the pay and at the end of the month, it money for debt.

Having discovered this is as a limitation to making progress I decided to bring this out for you to read.

Below I will be listing and explaining some ways to live well even with your low income.

1. Plan Your Earning Early :

One of the ways I seem best to live well with you low income is to plan the money even before the beginning of the month.

Imagine your salary, write the amout you want to save and clearly state other important things you need to get.

2. Draw Your Scale Of Preference :

You need to make the difference between your need and want very clear, go for what you need and not just what you want.

List the things you need and get the important ones first. Draw it out hierarchically.

3. Shun Peer Pressure :

Some times when you don't want to do some things, you might get tempted to do so when you see your friends doing it.

You need to shun pressure, know your target, don't be carried away by what your friends are buying or using, know you've got the money to do the same but you have a focus.

4. Invest :

The best way to get more money is to tie the one you have down and how can you do that, you can only do this investing.

Get things you can pump your money into, look around but be sure its a sure deal.

5. Be Selective :

You need to be selective, you don't have to be every where and don't waste your money, you must not always get all the clothes and shoes you see. Be selective.

There are more ways by which we can use our little earning well and live good. Drop your idea via the comment box and let's all learn.

Written By: Kayode Emmanuel
Contact Information:
[email protected]

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