The Vienna Doctoral Program (Doktoratskolleg) Particle and Interactions (DK-PI) calls for applications to a graduate program on experimental and theoretical particle physics. The DK-PI offers research opportunities in various fields of physics. Students from all countries are welcome to apply for such a DK-PI studentship.
The DK-PI offers research opportunities in the fields of
- Physics and technology of particle detection in high energy particle collisions,
- Precision measurements at low and ultra-low energies to test the standard model,
- Precision experiments with antihydrogen for studies of CPT symmetry and antimatter gravity,
- Experimental studies on non-perturbative QCD with kaon and antiproton beams,
- Ultrarelativistic heavy-ion physics,
- The theory of strong and electroweak interactions at low and high energies and at high density or temperature,
- Neutrino and flavor physics,
- Standard Model and Beyond the Standard Model phenomenology,
- Supersymmetry and string theory,
- Quantum gravity and black hole physics,
- Dark matter physics.
The DK-PI offers doctoral study positions with full financial support on a 12-months-basis for up to 3 years.
The modalities of the payment follow the rules laid out by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) (currently 1,996.90 €/month before tax, since. health benefits).
In addition, the doctoral program provides support for
- Travel to scientific workshops, schools and conferences,
- Research stays at various partner institutions around the globe,
- Soft skill training and language courses
Eligibility: The following criteria must be met in order for applicants to be eligible for studentship:
Students from all countries are welcome to apply for such a DK-PI studentship. The DK-PI seeks to increase the percentage of women in physics and therefore specifically invites applications by women. Among equally qualified applicants women will receive preferential consideration.
Applicants must have in particular a completed Master (or equivalent) degree.
Applicants should have very good English language skills.
How to Apply: Application checklist: The following application documents and material shall be provided:
- Completed admission form
- Curriculum vitae (CV),
- List of publications, posters and talks (if applicable),
- Graded study records (if you feel it helps even including high school certificates),
- Expression of interest (why you feel you are the right person to join the DK-PI),
- Information on your English skills (TOEFL or others),
- Preferred date when you would like to start the doctoral studies,
- Two letters of recommendation (including one from your Master’s thesis supervisor).
Note that we will not approach your referees. YOU have to ask your referees to send to us these letters directly by email (preferably) to application-at-dkpi.at or by postal mail so that they arrive before the deadline.
Upon electronic submission of your application, you should receive a confirmation mail within 1 day (if not, please contact the DK-PI coordinator!).
Deadline: January 6, 2017
For More Details Visit Official Website