Valedictory Speech by Miss Ejindu Oluchukwu, Best Graduating Student UNN, 2011/2012 Session

Valedictory Speech by Miss Ejindu Oluchukwu, Best Graduating Student UNN, 2011/2012 Session


His Excellency, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,
His Excellency, Governor of Enugu State,
Our Distinguished Convocation Lecturer,
Honorable Chancellor,
Honourable Pro chancellor,
Honourable Vice Chancellor,
Distinguished staff,
Lions and Lionesses
Ladies and Gentlemen
All protocols duly observed

I feel privileged, honoured and proud to be standing here today, representing the graduating class of the 2011/2012 academic session. Our hearts are filled with gratitude that you could all be here today, regardless of your busy schedules, to share in our celebration.

These noble graduands of this great university have completed the journey they began 4 or 5 years ago. Today is a very special and memorable day in our lives and we cannot but express the joy, happiness and gratitude we feel to God, our families and friends.

My personal journey through this prestigious university began in October, 2007, when I saw my name top on the admission list of the department of Electronic Engineering. The feeling of felicity, happiness and profound joy that I felt was not only because my name was on the admission list of this prestigious university but also that it was the top most in the faculty of engineering popularly referred to as ‘Boys High School’.

Ladies and gentlemen, while not denying the place of hard work in this great achievement and privilege I enjoy today, I must also admit that my background and experiences in life contributed immensely. I come from a home where I have always been encouraged to work hard and rewarded for all academic excellence. I went to a secondary school (St Cyprian’s Special Science School, Nsukka) where my principal, Sir. Barr.Chike Ngwu took great care to nurture me for quizzes and competition with other secondary schools in both state and national levels.

When they say that good luck is preparation meeting opportunity they also refer to success because it comes to those who truly distinguish themselves through preparation and make the very best use of any opportunity and advantage that they have Hence, if you say to me today in light of this, “Oluchukwu Ejindu you are lucky”, I will say “thank you, of course I am”. I am lucky to have had my family and I am lucky to have passed through the great men and women in the name of friends, mentors, teachers, and professors that have contributed immensely to making me who I am today. They encouraged and propelled me to give my best in everything I did.

This magnificent achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the help of our supreme creator, support from friends and family. Looking back these years of struggle and hardwork, I must say that we have a lot to be grateful for. We sincerely thank our heavenly father who kept us and gave us the ability not only to finish but to finish well. We can beat our chest and say like Christian Logue in Savage Grace “we came, we saw and we conquered!

We also want to appreciate the university administration for making this our great alma mater a good den that shaped and nurtured the toothless cubs that we were through these years into the great lions and lionesses that they can always be proud of. We must not fail to appreciate, in a very special way, the present administration for its commitment in making the University community very conducive for academics through infrastructural and human development. Only eternity will know our gratitude to you.

To the faculty, teachers and mentors that we have met throughout our education, you gave us a hard time and made us work for our degree. I specially would like to express my profound gratitude to the head of department (HOD), Prof Oparaku, of the Department of Electronic Engineering, to all the lecturers and staff there , for their effort in teaching, lecturing and mentoring me to be what I am today. For inculcating the spirit of hardwork and excellence in us. The very first day I stepped my foot in the department and saw the departmental motto, ‘Centre of Excellence’, I knew I was in for excellence.

My gratitude goes to my aunt, Mrs. D.N Okpala for the love, understanding and motherly advice she always gave me. And also to my brother and sisters for the love and understanding they showed me. To Scripture Union Campus Fellowship and Christ Church Chapel, I say a very big thank you for inculcating and imbibing godly principle and morals in me. Also I want to appreciate Christ Church Chapel Choir(C4) for being part of you and making me enjoy the beauty of hymns and songs.

I also want to appreciate Engr. Dr C.U Nwoji and his wife for being there for me and my brother. They gave us a home in a strange land and showed us so much love and understanding. I am really indebted to you.

If I were to make a list for all those I should appreciate, the reading of it may deprive our families and friends the photographs, sweet food and drinks waiting to be devoured soon. But permit me to appreciate all the organizations that awarded me scholarships all through my stay in this school. To Exxon Mobil, MTN Foundation, Etisalat and Petroleum Technology Development funds (PTDF), I say thank you. You relieved my financial burden and also made me realize that it really pays to work hard
Lastly, I lack words to express my gratitude to my dad and late mum, Mr and Mrs R.O Ejindu, who brought me into this world.

Mum, it’s so painful that you are not here today to see the fruit of your labour and to share in my joy. I know that wherever you are, you are very proud of me. My dad sacrificed everything to make me what I am today. He raised me alone and showed me so much love and care. I never lacked anything all through my stay in school. The day I received the news that I was the best graduating student, my dad was so overjoyed. I could feel the excitement and joy in his spirit.

Daddy, I want to tell you that the best is yet to come. You will be alive and reap the fruits of your labour and sacrifice. God will so bless you that you will be called blessed. I love and appreciate you so much. You are the best dad one can ever have and I couldn’t have asked for a better dad.

To my fellow lions and lionesses, know today that it’s not just enough to answer a lion or a lioness. I adjure you to stand and defend the name you bear. Great lions and lionesses! A lion is the king of the jungle. It symbolizes courage, power, royalty, authority, dominion and ferocity. It dares any challenge or obstacle it comes across. It never runs away or easily admits defeat. It symbolizes leadership. So I urge you to be leaders anywhere you find yourself and also have the courage to dare things that may seem impossible at first. You may fail or get defeated but you may also succeed. I could remember when I went to represent the university in a competition in Abuja, the thought of the fact that I am a lioness gave me the self-confidence and the courage that made me succeed. Also remember and acknowledge God in all your endeavours because grace and favour has a lot to do in every success one acquires.

To my fellow graduating students, in saying a very big congratulation to you, I remind you that the battle has just begun. We must have to defend and protect the image of this great university. We must also defend the degree that has just been awarded to us. We all have passed through doors opened by the heroes of the past. So let us not close the door behind us by hoarding whatever experience or knowledge we have accumulated these years. Let our successors pass through the doors we will open. Also dare to make some breakthrough to make life easier and more interesting for those that will come after us.

May I conclude by saying that Nigeria is a nation endowed with great mineral and human resources. The path its vision of becoming one of the top advanced countries in the - vision 20-20-20 could only be accomplished through greater technological innovations. It is possible, very possible for Nigeria to be number one advanced nation in the world. E – Development is the answer. As the world goes electronic, Nigeria should pay greater attention to encouraging researches in electronic and technological development. To this, the University of Nigeria is ever poised and stand tall as an Iroko tree not just to other trees in Nigeria and Africa, but to the world at large.

May God bless the University of Nigeria and Nigeria

Thank you all.
Now congratulate this great Lioness in a warming comment!

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