His Excellency, The President, Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, ably represented here this day by the Executive Secretary National University Commission, Prof. Julius Okojie.
The Executive Governor of Ondo-State, Dr Olusegun Mimiko. Your Royal Highness, The Chancellor, Alhaji (DR.) Isa Mustafa (CFR), The Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, Brig. Gen. Raji Alagbe Rasaki (RTD), Our amiable Vice-Chancellor Prof. Adebiyi G. Daramola, Principal Officers, Our Distinguished Lecturer, Our Parents and guardians here seated, fellow graduands, ladies and gentlemen, GREAT FUTARIAN
It is a great honor for me to deliver the valedictory address on behalf of the 2012 graduating class.
Today, our dream of becoming graduates has come to reality. We worked hard and our continuous dedication has finally made it possible. This magnificent accomplishment would not have been possible without the blessing of our supreme creator, the support of our families, friends and the encouragement of our great University’s teaching and non teaching staff.
My fellow graduands, in this time of economic hardship, life is full of challenges. But I firmly believe that with hard work, dedication and the knowledge already acquired, we can overcome every obstacle and reach our personal and professional goals. The world is changing and quality education is the key to life’s success, and this I believe we have acquired in this great citadel of learning.
Now is the time to work for all humanity rather than a fraction, so that our future generation can live prosperous and tranquil lives.
My fellow graduands, look back on your experience here at FUTA, use the knowledge that you have gained, remember the commitments you made to yourself to get here, make new dreams and reaffirm those dreams into reality, keep in mind those lecturers that inspired you, and use that inspiration to motivate yourself and to expand the horizons that lie ahead of you.
My Dear graduands, as you go forward remember those family members and friends who supported you along the way, you will need them again, as they will come to you.
This achievement that you have made today is not an end to anything; this achievement is the beginning to everything. Use your education, for with education comes opportunity… opportunity for better future , opportunity for better expectation and opportunity to dream anew.
Today marks the beginning of a new life as graduates, I ask you to be proud of yourselves. Today is the day to keep your spirit high. Remember the sky is the limit. Today is the day to dream big and prove that we, FUTA graduates are second to none, today is the day to keep up the challenges and face them boldly. Today is the day to plan our future, for our degrees are only a milestone and not a destiny.
And to all other Students, my advice to you is that you should continue working hard and be focused to achieve your goal of coming to this great citadel of learning, with hardwork, patience, perseverance, persistence, discipline and determination, I pray that Almighty Allah makes it easy.
Distinguished Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of all of us in this set, I will like to say we are proud of this great university and we will eternally be grateful to have had the opportunity of passing through FUTA.
On this note therefore, we will like to express our profound appreciation to the visitors, the Chancellor, the Pro-chancellor, the Vice-chancellor, all other principal officers, all Deans, Directors and Heads of Departments, all lecturers and all other categories of staff.
We will like to assure you of our resolve to make impact in the society. We will like to pledge that we will always be good ambassadors of FUTA, and we will always look back to further contribute to the development of the university.
I will like to congratulate our lucky guardians and parents, whose great investment of time, energy and finances has culminated in the glory and success of today. We are proud of you, and we thank God we have not disappointed you.
I am highly indebted to my beloved and God fearing Parents who stood like a rock behind me throughout the Programme, May Almighty Allah in His Infinite mercy grant them long life and good health to enable them reap the fruit of their labour, (Amin). The way you lived your life had really helped me to bring out the best in myself. To my Sisters and brothers, friends and relatives thanks for your support and I promise to always represent you well.
My profound gratitude goes to the head of department of Mathematical Sciences Prof. J.K. OGUNMOYELA and the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the department, thanks for your support and encouragement. To all my lecturers in Statistics and my Project supervisor Dr F.B ADEBOLA, thank for your effort and fatherly advice, I promise to represent you well.
To The MTNF Scholarship, am very grateful for the scholarship you awarded me throughout my undergraduate programme, your support indeed added value to my academics. Thank you and GOD BLESS MTN.
I want to seize this opportunity to advocate for the full take off of the department of STATISTICS from which I have emerged as the overall best graduating student of the University for this Graduating Set.
Once again, I thank you for this wonderful opportunity, and seek Almighty Allah’s special and unceasing benevolence of sound health long lives and abundant prosperity on you all.
Thank you, and thank you once again.
Long Live FUTA
Long Live Ondo State
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria.