One thing I have come to notice about life is that everything you need to make it successful is right before you. All that is required of you is to tap into it. Every single second of your life counts and that is why you can't afford to spend it doing things that are not fruitful.
Getting engaged in something productive at every point in time gives better hope and draws you nearer to you aims and objectives.
The different between a rich man and a poor man is not the lack of opportunity but the in ability to utilize the opportunity thereby preferring to sit down idle.
It is my heart desire to disclose some vital things you can do when you have nothing to do. To be frank and sincere with one another, times that you will be idle cannot be out ruled but there are some productive things you can do with it.
Most people prefer to while away their time in enjoyment and all stuffs because they depend on others, but I will tell you that nothing can be as good as being independent. You don't have to sit somewhere and look up to people for everything, be your own boss.
I term idleness as not having something productive to do. One might be busy doing something but when I see it is not going to yield any good result at the end, it is as good as being idle.
Anytime you find yourself not doing anything, either
• You are free at work
• Free in school or
• You naturally don't have what you do before
1. Seat Back And Assess Yourself :-
May I put it to you that this is the best time to assess yourself. When a man fails to assess himself, he cannot go far, why ?
» You need to seat to know where you are coming from,
» Where you are
» Where you are going
» How close or far you are to you pursuit.
Definitely at this point lot of solution will be deduced and you will know you progressive and productive rate. This is one thing you can do that will make your idle period a productive one.
2. What Do You Need To Keep On Keeping On ? :-
After the first stage comes this. You need to look at how you can improve yourself. This is the best time to detect what you need to get even better. You know what you are lacking; you also get to map out how you will get yourself engaged so has to create for yourself a better living.
3. Unleash Various Ideas :-
This is the best time to start pouring on your table different ideas. You need to begin to reason both far and wide. Start seeing yourself getting greater and in the process try thinking of more investment you can venture into even while doing your normal job. You don't have to be everywhere at a particular time, you can delegate people and just get feed backs.
4. Make The Move :-
Do more than think; Effect it
Do more than plan; Act
Do more than reason; Practicalise
After taking all the previous steps I mentioned, you need to act because a plan without an action is as good as nothing. Creating wealth start from somewhere which is the ideas concealed in your heart.
What time do you have to unleash these ideas? It is now that you have nothing doing, get a pen and a book and strategise. Time they say waits for no man and a time wasted can never be regained.
Written By :
Kayode Oluwatobiloba Emmanuel