University of Nigeria Starts Distance Learning Programme

University of Nigeria Starts Distance Learning Programme

University of Nigeria Starts Distance Learning Programme:

University of Nigeria Distance Learning Programme (UNN-DLP) hereby announces the commencement of distance learning services. DLP is currently running a pilot phase with MSc courses in the Faculty of Business Administration – Departments of Accountancy,Banking and Finance, Managementand Marketing.

UNN DLP provides distance learning services through online amenities and operations covering:
•    Delivery of lectures and tutorials by lecturers;
•    Chats between lecturers and students;
•    Exchange of information between lecturers and students
•    Assessment and scoring of students by lecturers.

To prepare lecturers and students for online teaching/learning, UNN Distance Learning Programme, in collaboration with Information and Communications (ICT) Unit, provides training and orientation, using the University’s online education platform.
Therefore, lecturers and departments who wish to bring some of their MSc courses into the pilot phase should contact:
The Programme Officer
08039333134, [email protected]
Distance Learning Programme
University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus

Prof. Eric Eboh
Director, Distance Learning Programme
University of Nigeria, Nsukka

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