The University of Nigeria Nsukka, you would agree that the school is one of the best schools in Nigeria to run both full time and part time degree programmes despite the stress accustomed with the admission process.
The University of Nigeria Nsukka)Sandwich and Evening Programmes is the body responsible for the administration of part time admission programmes in UNN. Often times candidates seeking admission via part time confuse the full time courses for part time courses. They just assume that any course offered in UNN undergraduate full time degree programme is equally offered under UNN part time degree programmes but this is not always so.
Many UTME students now go for part time programmes after failing to gain admission via UTME and the good thing is that the B.Sc certificate does not state whether it is part time or full time which is what make it better.
In part time degree programmes most often, physical and life science courses as well as courses like Pharmacy, Medicine and Surgery are exempted mainly because of the scope of work involved which includes, practicals, field trips, consistent attendance and other factors. Though courses like Biology, chemistry, Computer science and even some engineering course are offered under UNN part time programmes.
On the other hand, administrative courses like Accounting, Business Administration are the most applied courses under part time studies in UNN. Under sciences, courses like computer science, Biology, chemistry, physics as the most registered part time courses in UNN part time admission form. While for faculty of education, Accounting education and business education are the most commonly part time courses applied for in UNN.
Please not that you do not require JAMB in order to gain admission into UNN part time degree programmes, all that is required is to get your correct O’level results and must be at least 18 years of age to be qualified to purchase UNN part time admission form. In the cause of writing this article, we shall also provide the approved entry admission requirements to study any of the part time courses offered in UNN as at today.
Some candidates or applicants often complain using the following statements “the course i applied for was not given to me, what should i do? i met all the admission requirements yet i was not offered admission, how do i apply for UNN part time degree programme? what are the part time courses offered in UNN, what are the requirements to apply for UNN part time degree programme?, what is UNN part time admission cut off mark?
The above questions have one answer which is, meeting the admission requirements. Any candidate that does meet the UNN part time admission requirement automatically is not eligible for admission and there are no two ways about it.
One common requirement for UNN part-time courses is that they all require O’level results with at least five (5) credit passes which must include English language and mathematics and any other 3 O’Level subjects as it relates to their course of study. Check HERE for the approved subject combination for UNN part time courses.
Below are the list of UNN sandwich P;rogrammes;
Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the following Sandwich Degree and Diploma Programmes of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Alvan Ikoku College of Education, Owerri and Nwafor Orizu College of Education, Nsugbe, College of Education, Ikere-Ekiti.
- EDUCATION: B.A. (Ed.); B.Sc. (Ed.) and B.Ed in
- Ed. Adult Education/Administration Nsukka
- Ed. Adult Education/Comm. Development Nsukka
B.Ed. Guidance and Counselling Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Ed. Special Ed/Economics Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/Igbo Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/History Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/English Nsukka
B.Ed. Special Ed/Social Studies Nsukka
B.Ed. Primary Education Nsukka
B.Ed. Early Childhood Education Nsukka
B.A. (Ed.) Education/English Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/ Creative Arts Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/French Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Music Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/History Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Igbo/Linguistics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Religion Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.A. (Ed.) Education/Fine and Applied Arts Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Political Science Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Biology Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Chemistry Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Mathematics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Physics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Geography Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Economics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Statistics Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Social Studies Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Integrated Science Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Physical Educ. & Recreation Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Education/Health Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
Vocational and Technical Education
B.Sc. (Ed.) Agricultural Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Business Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Computer and Robotics Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Home Economics and Hospitality
Management Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
B.Sc. (Ed.) Industrial Technical Education Nsukka, Owerri and Nsugbe
(A) Combined B.Sc. Degree in Computer Science / Statistics Nsukka
(B) B.Sc. Public Administration & Local Government Nsukka
(C) B. Lis Library and Information Science Nsukka
(1) Diploma in Adult Education Community Development Nsukka (4 years)
(2) Diploma in Public Administration (PALG) Nsukka (4 years)
(3) Diploma in Computer Science / Statistics Nsukka (3 years)
(4) Diploma in Library Science Nsukka (4 years)
UNN Part Time Admission Requirements
The entry requirements are the same as those for the Regular Degree (with O/Level)/Direct Entry and Diploma courses of the University of Nigeria. Relevant details are as contained in the Guideline for Admission into Sandwich and Evening Degree Programmes obtainable on purchase of the Application Form.
The above list shows the available part time courses that are currently offered in UNN as at today? Despite part time programme being an internally organized one, note that the NUC still has the right to dis-accredit any course that doesn’t meet the requirements in terms of quality of lecturer, teaching facilities and other criteria to be listed among UNN part time courses for the academic session.
Hope this is well understood? if you have any question as regards UNN part time courses, their admission requirement and UNN part time application form, please reach us via the comment section below and we shall respond accordingly.