UNN Post-UTME Screening results for 2021/2022 session are out. All prospective students of the University of Nigeria Nsukka who participated in the screening exercise are by this notice advised to proceed to check their screening results online. See procedure below;
The result checker platform is available after the payment of the sum of N1,000 only at all designated banks or through your ATM Card on the Remita platform.
To check your results, kindly follow the steps outlined below:
- Visit the UNN Portal- www.unnportal.unn.edu.ng
- Click on Prospective Students.
- Click on Chek Post-UTME Result.
- Enter your JAMB Registration Number.
- Proceed to generate an invoice which contains your RRR Number.
- Pay using your ATM Card or proceed to any bank with your printout for payment.
- Return to the Portal.
- Enter your Registration Number.
- Your result will be available to you.