Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for admission into the Second Semester Ph.D degree programmes in various Departments/Institutions/Centres in the University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
UNN Ph.D Admission Requirements
Candidates for Ph.D admission must satisfy the following conditions:
- Candidates for Ph.D programme must have academic Master’s degree in relevant areas with a minimum CGPA of 3.0/4 or 3.5/5.0 or 60% and Project score not lower than 60% (B). However, Department of Music, Economics Public Administration and Local Government, and Psychology, and Faculties of Education, Medical/Health Sciences and Technology, and Business Administration require 4.0 GPA on 5-point scale for Ph.D admission.
- Candidates for Professional doctorate should have an academic or professional Master’s degree with a minimum of 3.5/5.0 in the relevant field
- Candidates must demonstrate adequate intellectual capacity, maturity and effective decision making and problem-solving potentials.
- Candidates who hold other qualifications considered equivalent to (i) above which are acceptable to the Board of the School of Postgraduate Studies and Senate of the University.
How to Apply for UNN Doctoral (Ph.D.) Admission Form
(i) An application form for admission into a course of study leading to higher degree shall be made, on a prescribed SPGS Form I obtainable online at www.portal.unn.edu.ng-clickvon“Applications” on payment of the appropriate fees. Completed Application Form, together with copies of relevant certificates shall be sent to the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The candidate should then cause his/her three referees to send their confidential reports on the Referee’s Report Form 2 direct to the Secretary to the School. The candidate should also ask his former University/Institution to send his/her transcript to the Secretary to the School in good time.
(ii) Candidates for Regular Postgraduate Diploma and Masters degree programmes are considered for admission once in an academic session normally in September, while doctoral programmes are considered for admission twice in a session (September and April), at the beginning of the first and second semesters.
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(iii) Any request by candidates who have applied for admission for change of Department, degree in view, field of study etc. must reach the Secretary, School of Postgraduate Studies before the last date for the submission of completed application form.
- Inter-University Transfer: A student wishing to transfer to the University from another university of good standing should cause his/her application and transcript to be sent to the Dean, School of Postgraduate Studies who will forward same to the Departmental/Faculty Postgraduate Studies Committee for recommendation. A candidate so recommended will be required to pay a transfer fee as may be prescribed by Senate.
- Research Proposal: Applicants for the Doctoral programmes of the university are required to submit, as a condition for graduation, detailed research proposal of not more than three pages and which must include:
- Proposed topic
- Introduction
- Statement of objective(s) of the study
- Summary of five relevant recent literatures that supports the research objectives
- An indication of the intended research methodology
- Expected result(s) with an indication of possible contributions to knowledge. Applications without research proposal or one written without indication of thoughtful consideration of most of the above issues will be rejected.
For the Ph.D degree programme, a candidate must obtain at least an acceptance letter from a journal certified by the University of Nigeria as a condition for graduation.
For further information on the available Ph.D programmes, please visit www.spgs.unn.edu.ng