It has come to the attention of the University authority that certain individuals are allocating accommodation manually. As a result, we want to bring the following urgent information to your notice:
University allocation of bed spaces are done online.
Beware of all MANUAL HOSTEL ALLOCATION as they may be illegal.
You are NOT EXPECTED to pay cash to ANYONE for hostel allocation. If you are discovered, YOU WILL BE EVICTED.
Kindly keep your Hostel allocation slips safe as this is the only proof that you are a bonafide student with authentic allocation.
Every student who does not have a hostel allocation slip will be EVICTED when routine check of the hostels are carried out.
A comprehensive list of bonafide occupants of all the hostels will be online soon. If your name and room number is not on that list, kindly vacate such rooms.
Please report any student who is occupying any room that is not listed officially as that student could be occupying your potential rooms.
Feel free to report cases of exploitation, demand for manual payment and such to the School Administration. Send an email to issue@unn.edu.ng
Be Warned.