Application for inter-university transfer of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) for the 2018/2019 academic session has commenced.
Below are the guidelines for interested students;
- Transfer students shall possess the minimum University of Nigeria and Departmental entry requirements prior to entry into the University from where they are seeking transfer.
- Transfer students shall make a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.95 on a 5.00 point scale to qualify for consideration and should not have spent more than two (2) academic sessions in his or her former University.
- The number of students offered admission by transfer shall not exceed 4% of the departmental admission quota in any one year.
- Application should be accompanied by student’s transcript. University of Nigeria official(s) would be sent to the University from where transfer is being sought for verification of the transcript or on-line verification as the case may be.
- If at any stage irregularity is discovered in the papers presented by the student(s), such student(s) shall be withdrawn from the University.
- Disciplinary action shall be taken against any officer of the University found colluding with or circumventing the process of the transfer.
- A transfer student is required to possess a JAMB score which is not less than the minimum score of UNN students admitted into his department in his admission year.
- He must transfer into the same course as he studied in his University.
- Transfer student must not be admitted beyond second (2nd) year for all programmes in the University.
- A transfer student must be a current student of the University from which he seeks transfer.
- All application for inter-University transfer for the 2018/2019 academic session should be received on or before 31st August, 2018.
- All recommendations for admission by transfer from Faculty shall be submitted to the Admissions Office for collation and presentation to Senate Entrance Board for consideration.