The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN), wishes to inform all students of the following details concerning an upcoming MTH 122 computer-based test (CBT):
Test Details:
* Date: Tuesday, November 26th, 2024
* Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
* Venue: Nnamdi Azikiwe Library, UNN, and UNEC (Specific details available on the UNN website)
* Test Format: 15 multiple-choice questions to be completed within 30 minutes.
Instructions for Students:
1. Students are permitted to bring only a pen to the examination venue.
2. All electronic devices (including mobile phones and calculators), handkerchiefs, course registration printouts, and any other paper materials are strictly prohibited within the examination hall.
3. Appropriate attire is required.
4. Due to limited computer availability, the test will be administered in batches.
5. Students must arrive at the examination venue at least one hour prior to their scheduled test time for biometric verification, seating arrangement, and other necessary procedures.
6. Students must pay close attention to announcements regarding their designated testing batch. Each batch will conclude after 30 minutes to accommodate the next group.
7. Students who miss their assigned batch will not be permitted to participate in a subsequent batch.
8. If your department is not listed in the provided department column, please select "Others".
9. A blank A4 sheet of paper is required for rough work and must be submitted at the end of the test to serve as attendance verification. Clearly write your name, registration number, department, and signature on the sheet before submission; failure to do so will result in the test not being graded.
10. Students arriving more than 15 minutes after their scheduled batch start time will not be permitted to enter the testing hall.
11. Once a batch commences, access to the test questions will be terminated 30 minutes later. If a student arrives late, they will have only the remaining time to complete the test.
12. There will be no make-up test sessions. Students are expected to address any issues that may prevent their participation in the assigned test batch.
13. Students should know how to refresh their internet browser; questions may occasionally display in LaTex format, requiring a browser refresh.
The University wishes you success in the examination.