UNN Immortalizes Zik, VCs on Postage stamps

UNN Immortalizes Zik, VCs on Postage stamps

University of Nigeria, Nsukka, UNN immortalizes late Nnamdi Azikiwe, the first UNN Vice-Chancellor and Current Vice-Chancellor on postage stamps.

The University of Nigeria, Nsukka (UNN) in partnership with the Nigeria Postal Services (NIPOST) has unveiled new postage stamps with the image of former Premier of Eastern Region, the late Nnamdi Azikiwe.

The stamps also bear the images of first UNN Vice-Chancellor (VC), Dr George Johnson, and the current VC, Prof Benjamin Ozumba. The stamps, which were unveiled at Princess Alexandra Auditorium, also have the logo of the just-concluded West Africa University Games (WAUG) hosted by the UNN.

Prof Ozumba said the stamps were commemorative icons to mark the 55th anniversary of the university.

He said that stamps would serve as instruments to honour the institution’s founding fathers and export the nation’s cultural identities to the world.

He said: “It is our belief that these commemorative stamps would carry the visions and missions of the UNN not only to other parts of Nigeria, but to the world over.”

Ozumba hailed the university alumni association and NIPOST for supporting the initiative, which he said would be a testimony of the institution’s successful hosting of the WAUG.

National president of the alumni association, Chief Andrew Oru, said the initiative was a major step towards projecting the high academic standard of the university to the world. According to him, the stamps are made to honour the people whose vision and hard work led to the establishment of the university.

Oru said the alumni association had a responsibility to provide the needed support to the institution to position it as the best in Africa.

The Acting Post Master General of the Federation, Arch Enoch Ade-Ogun, praised the university management and the alumni association for recognising the value of postage stamps as powerful medium of communication that could stand the test of time.

He said: “NIPOST management is proud to partner with the UNN in the period of its 55th anniversary, which led to the launching of the commemorative postage stamps. The university made wise decision by choosing postage stamps to immortalise its heroes, because stamps are seen as mini encyclopedia and living reminders of past events and people.”

Ade-Ogun said UNN was qualified to feature in Nigeria’s postage stamps, because of its honour to be the first indigenous university in the country. According to him, the stamps would be circulated throughout the 200 members of the Universal Postal Union.

Source: The Nation.

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