UNN Best Graduating Student 2011/2012: Miss Oluchukwu Roseline Ejindu

UNN Best Graduating Student 2011/2012: Miss Oluchukwu Roseline Ejindu

Her gait was unassuming as she strode to the rostrum amidst thunderous cheers from more than 18,000 graduating students that gathered at the Margret Ekpo Convocation Arena of the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, during the 42nd convocation ceremony of the Institution.

Miss Oluchukwu Roseline Ejindu has just been announced as the overall best graduating student in the 2011/2012 session of the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN). Miss Ejindu graduated with a cumulative grade point of 4.77 in a scale of 5 points.

Presenting a valedictory address on behalf of other graduands, the Electronic Engineering graduate thanked the university management, under Prof Bartho Okolo, for providing a congenial environment and facilities that enabled them succeed in their studies and prayed God to grant Prof Okolo more grace to accomplish greater feats.
She attributed her success to the virtue of hard work which her family inculcated in her, and moral discipline she learnt by associating with Christian organisations in the university.

“Ladies and gentlemen, while not denying the place of hard work in this achievement and privilege I enjoy today, I must admit that my background and experience in life contributed immensely. I came from a home where Ihave always been encouraged to work hard and rewarded for all academic excellence,” she said.

Miss Ejindu said as an electronic engineer, she believed that the economic development of Nigeria would be driven by technology.

“May I conclude by saying that Nigeria is a nation endowed with great mineral and human resources. The path to its vision of becoming one of the top advanced countries in the – vision 20-20-20 could only be accomplished through greater technological innovations. It is possible, very possible for Nigeria to be number one advanced nation in the world. E-Development is the answer”, she insisted.

Further, the Anambra State indigene, dedicated her achievement to her parent, particularly her father, whom she said provided everything she needed as a student, following the demise of her mother at her tender age.

Miss Ejindu, who enjoyed multiple scholarships from organisations, including; Exxon Mobil, MTN foundation, Etisalat and Petroleum Technology Development Fund (PTDF), said that she would like to further her education to enable her make meaningful contribution to the growth of the society.

On the eve of the convocation ceremony, the University had organised an award night to reward its best graduating students, Miss Ejindu earned the following awards; University award to the overall best graduating student of the session, best graduating student award of the Faculty of Engineering, best graduating student award of the Department of Electronic Engineering, Indira Gandhi Memorial prize to the best graduating student of the session, and best graduating female students award.

Others included; Hon. F.A Mbulu-Amadi Prize in Resource Development tothe best graduating student of the session, UNN Community Bank Prize, to the Best Graduating Student and Ifenyinwa Ezechukwu Memorial prize to the best graduating student in Electronic Engineering.

Meanwhile, the Governor of Anambra State, Mr Peter Obi said he was thrilled and happy that Miss Ejindu was from Anambra state. In the spirit of rewarding excellence, he announced that Anambra State Government will support and train Miss Ejindu to any level in any part of the world.

Governor Obi made the promise at UNN when he attended the Nigerian Literature award ceremony which was won by an alumna of the University,Chika Unigwe.

It is also on record that the 2010/2011 best graduating student of the University was also a female, a development that made the University orator, Dr (Mrs) Edith Nwosu, who anchored the convocation ceremony, to make a wakeup call to male students urging them to pick the challenge for excellence posed by their female counterparts.

However, the moving spirit behind the excellent performance of female students of the University may not be far-fetched, as the history of the University is replete with outstanding alumnae who have distinguished themselves in their different professions.

The success story of the likes of; Dr Ngozi Okonjo Iweala, Dr Obiageli Ezekwesili, Dora Akunyili, Chika Unigwe, Akachi Adimora Ezeigbo, just to mention but a few, continue to provide a source of inspiration to female students of the University who believe that they will one day become like their fore bearers.

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