1ST CHOICE CANDIDATES 160 and above - 60,238
180 and above - 36,507
200 and above - 13,436
2ND CHOICE CANDIDATES 160 and above - 27,106
180 and above - 15,937
200 and above - 6,023
TOTAL 160 and above - 87,344
180 and above - 52,444
200 and above - 19,459
From the above, we can
obviously see that a UTME cut-
off mark of 200 for the UNN
would mean that they would
conduct the 2013 screening
exercise for barely 19,000
candidates. That is very
UNLIKELY. There are strong
indications that the UTME cut-
off of UNN will be less than 200.
Candidates who made the
University of Nigeria either their
first choice or second choice
are, therefore, advised to begin
their preparations for the post-
UTME Screening examination so
as not to be taken unawares
when the official
announcement is made.
what do you think?