Due to the problems occasioned by the covid-19 pandemic of last year, and the inherent problems it brought which include, schools stoppage and non-operation of rents, the lodge caretakers and property managers forum in Unizik environs has conscientiously reached a waiver on students rents after negotiations with the SUG.
The terms of this waiver are spelt and signed below. All stakeholders: students, lodge caretakers, landlords are strongly asked to read and implement these resolutions to the later
1. In order to allow the waiver to apply uniformly to every student equally, the waiver will apply to rents paid in 2021 only.
2. There will be a 20% (twenty percent) cut off the rent amounts paid by students in their various lodges around Ifite, lodges inside bus stand, and all lodges occupied by UNIZIK students.
The caretakers and property managers after negotiations with the SUG, sanctioned by the Dean of Students Affairs(DSA) agreed to these waivers to provide some respite in financial demands for this year. Together with their caretakers, students are to calculate this 20% cut off and pay accordingly.
3. For students owing for all of 2020 who didn't stay for that period and where they don't want to renew and want to move, should be allowed to pack their bags and leave by the respective caretakers. They should pack within a week interval on or before 31th of January 2021.
4. As stated by point(1), the 20% waiver will apply for rents to be paid in 2021 only, so that it may apply uniformly and equally to all students.
Thus, students are to clear off their backlog of rents in 2020 where they haven't done so, and then enjoy the waiver on the next payment for 2021 year.
4. A pre-requisite to partaking on the 20% rents waiver is producing a valid school ID card which shall be presented to the caretaker in charge of that particular lodge.
This is solely to ensure that the occupant of the room is a Unizik student.
5. Students and caretakers alike are enjoined to attend issues bordering on rents disputes peacefully, calmly and amicably. This is to avoid unrest, chaos and problems.
6. Also, every party, most especially the students are encouraged to take benefit of this waiver and assist the caretakers by paying their rents properly.
7. Problems arising from the implementation of the 20% waiver and discounts should be forwarded non-invasively to the phone numbers of the Chairman of the Lodge caretakers & Property Managers Forum, Unizik chapter; and the SUG Director of Environment, whose contacts are listed below: Text messages only.
8. This article shall be considered as an agreement and scheme of judgement if done otherwise or if the students lay a valid complainty