This is to inform the 2023/2024 Graduands of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Parents/Guardians, Alumni of the University and the Public that activities marking the 19th Convocation Ceremonies of the University for the award of First and Higher Degrees and Award of Honorary Degree will take place from Wednesday 26th to Friday 28th March, 2025.
Details of the activities which will commence on Wednesday, 26 March, 2025 are as follows:
1. Wednesday, 26th March, 2025
(a) The Vice-Chancellor's Press Conference
- Time:9.30a.m
- Venue: Council Chamber
(b) Convocation Lecture and Award of Prizes
- Time:11.00a.m
- Venue: University Auditorium
2. Thursday, 27th March, 2025
Award of 1st Degrees
- Time: 11.00a.m
- Venue: Convocation Arena
3. Friday, 28th March, 2025
a) Commissioning of completed projects.
- Time: 9.00a.m
b) Award of Higher Degree, Honorary Degree and Installation of Emeriti Professors
- Time: 11.00a.m
- Venue: Convocation Arena
Graduands are please requested to note the following:
1. First Degree Graduands are to ensure that they pay the stipulated convocation fee during clearance
2. It is mandatory for all Higher Degree Graduands to pay for the following items irrespective of attendance to the Convocation Ceremonies:
a) Order of Proceedings/Convocation Brochure
b) Academic Outfit
c) Certificate Scrolls
d) UNIZIK T-shirt or Hoodie Jacket
e). UNIZIK Cap
f). UNIZIK Tie or Scarf
g). UNIZIK Lapel pin
- First Degree -N27,000
- Masters Degree and Postgraduate Diplontas N71,300
- Ph.D Purchase of academic gown (including all the above items as listed in a-g)-122,300
1. All Graduands are expected to dress in full appropriate wear (Le. suit, shirt and tie for men and sult/skirt and blouse or gown for Ladies) or full national dress.
II.Academie outfits for all first degree Graduands will be collected at the Encultles and Departments
III. Academie outfits/materials for Higher Degrees will be collected at the College of Postgraduate Studies,
IV. Graduands must present evidence of payment before they can collect Convocation materials.
V. Collection of Convocation materials commences on Monday. March 17th, 2025.
VI. All hired nendemic outfits/gowns should be returned by the Graduands to their respective collection points not later than Wednesday 2 April, 2025. Gowns returned after that date will attract penalty.
VII. All Graduands are to assemble at the College of Postgraduate Studles (Opposite the Convocation Arena) by 9.30 a.m. for the commencement of Procession each day.
VIII. It is compulsory for all Gradtands to participate in the aendemle procession and to put on the approved academic regallu.
All payments to Nnandi Azikiwe University, Awka should be made through the following procedure:
1. Visit https://epp.unizik.edu.ng
2. Click on the "Start Transaction" button
3. Under the Type of Payment, ellek on the drop-down and select the appropriate UNIZIK Convocation Fee and ellek Continue
4. Enter your student details
5. Select your preferred payment method and proceed to payment 6. Print your payment Involee and present for verification and validation at point of collection of Convocation materials.
- Payment starts from Monday 10th February, 2025.
1. Luggage and bags will not be allowed Into the Convocation Arena.
2. Parking lots are designated and can only be used on presentation of parking card and Invitation card
3. University Security Personnel and other Security Agencies will direct all Vehicles to the designated parking lots.
4. No form of hawking of any item will be allowed near the Convocation Arena
5. For further Inquiries, please send email convocatlongcunizik.clu.ng to
You are sincerely welcome to Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.