The Vice-Chancellor has, on behalf of Senate, approved the Academic Calendar of Events for the completion of 2019/2020 academic session and commencement of 2020/2021 academic session, for regular undergraduate students as follows:
1. Monday, January 4th 2021: Registration
2. Monday, January 4 - Friday 8th, 2021: Logistics for on-line lectures
3. Wednesday, 6th January 2021: Commitee of Dean's Meetings
4. Monday, January 11, 2021: On-Line Lectures commence
5. Wednesday, January 27th, 2021: Senate Meeting
6. Friday, January 29th, 2021: On-line Lectures end
7. Monday 1-Friday 12, February, 2021: Revision Week
8. Monday, February 15, 2021: First Semester Examination Commence
9. Wednesday February 24th, 2021: Senate Meeting
10. Friday March 5th, 2021: End of First Semester Examinations
1. Monday, March 15, 2021: Second Semester Lectures Commence
2. Wednesday, March 31, 2021: Senate Meeting
3. Friday April 2- Monday April 5, 2021: Easter Break
4. Tuesday, April 6, 2021: Lectures Continues
5. Monday, April 12th, 2021: Committee of Dean's Meeting
6. Wednesday, April 28th, 2021: Senate Meeting
7. Wednesday, May 12-Friday, May 14, 2021: University -Wide Quiz
8. Wednesday May 26, 2021: Senate Meeting
9. Monday, June 14 - Friday, June 18, 2021: Revision Week
10. Monday, June 21, 2021: Second Semester Lectures commence
11. Wednesday june 30th 2021: Senate Meeting
12. Monday, July 12 - Friday july, 23rd 2021: Project Defence
13. Friday July 9th, 2021: End of Examinations
14. Monday, July 12 - Friday July 23rd, 2021: Vacation
1. Monday, July 26th - Friday, July 30, 2021: Old and New students return, and commence registration, payment of school fees and documentations
2. Wednesday July 28th, 2021: Senate Meeting
3. Monday August 2nd, 2021: Committee of Deans' meeting
4. Monday August 2nd 2021: Lectures commence for old students. New students continue registration Etc.
5. Tuesday, August 3rd - Thursday August 5th, 2021: Orientation Programme for Fresh students (Regular)
6. Saturday August 7th, 2021: Matriculation Ceremony
7. Monday August 9th, 2021: Lectures commence for New students
8. Wednesday August 25th, 2021: Senate Meeting
9. Wednesday September 29th, 2021: Senate Meeting
10. Monday, October 4th - Wednesday, October 6th 2021: University-Wide Quiz
11. Wednesday. October 27, 2021: Senate Meeting
12. Monday, November 15th, - Friday November 19th 2021: Revision Week
13. Monday, November 22nd, 2021: First semester Examination commences
14. Friday December 10th 2021; End of First Semester Examinations
15. Sunday December 12th - Saturday December 18th 2021: Convocation Week