ALL YOU NEED KNOW!!! As members of the public were rightly informed, UNIZIK has begun the sales of 2015 /2016 Pre_science form and I have taken it upon myself to give you an inkling of how it is run and the benefits attached to it.
The form is sold for #8,000 and obtainable in all banks located within the school (NAU) Awka campus.
Upon completion and submission of the forms, the O level results of the applicants will be graded and the names of the successful candidates published at the school's utility building.
Note :admission into the Pre-science Programme is strictly based on first come, first served policy and candidates must have made at least 5 credits.
Also the Programme is meant for science students only!!! I know that the question that will be ringing in the minds of many readers of this publication is how much does the Programme cost? Well, it costs just #44,000 for those who made their result at a sitting, but #45,000 for those who want to combine results.
For some people it is expensive while it is nothing to others, but for me it is not worth the knowledge, experience and training one gets if one goes through the Programme.
I take myself as example, although I was an "A" student before I went for that Programme yet I was transformed to the extent that I could read 10 hrs non-stop. So if you are unable to gain admission this year you have an ample opportunity to show the world that you are not a dullard and never will YOU be.
Just go get the form and YOU will never regret you did so, admission is also strictly based on merit. Another thing that is a stake is accommodation and I want to tell you that the Pre_science campus has school hostel with limited number of bed space.
I challenge you to go get the form as soon as possible and you will be thanking SchoolGist.com.ng for fruitful yrs to come. I will stop here for now. #Goodluck#