University of Sussex Peter Carpenter Africa Climate Scholarship for African Students 2024

University of Sussex Peter Carpenter Africa Climate Scholarship for African Students 2024

This prestigious fully-funded PhD Peter Carpenter Climate Change scholarship is awarded to African citizens with top level academic qualifications.

The PhD programme is hosted within the Climate Science and Society Research (CSSR) group in the Department of Geography, where there is a vibrant research programme into the African climate and related fields. Our aims are to better understand the nature, causes, impacts and consequences of climate variability/change and their representation in models, leading to improved climate information to support climate resilience. 

The PhD project can focus on any aspect of African climate science, to be decided taking account of candidates’ interests, experience and career goals. However, the research focus can be aligned with two major research projects on African climate resilience in which the Sussex team are currently involved, under the CLARE programme (Climate Adaptation and Resilience, funded by UK aid and Canada’s IDRC. 

(1) CLimate Adaptation and Resilience In Tropical drYlands (CLARITY), in which the focus in on climate risk analysis for water resource development 

(2) Strengthening pastoralist livelihoods through effective anticipatory action (PASSAGE) in which the focus is on improving Impact-based Forecasts

These projects will provide a stimulating and supportive context for the PhD research with excellent networking opportunities and real-world relevance. 

Climate Change and Sustainability research at Sussex

The CSSR is part of a wider cross-campus Sussex Sustainability Research Programme (SSRP,  ) to help achieve the global sustainability goals for humanity and the environment, in which climate resilience is a key dimension. As such, our doctoral students are part of a vibrant hub of climate and wider sustainability research and teaching.

About University of Sussex

The University of Sussex is a leading research-intensive university near Brighton. We have both an international and local outlook, with staff and students from more than 100 countries and frequent engagement in community activities and services.

University of Sussex

Peter Carpenter Africa Climate Scholarship

Application Deadline15 Apr 2024
School to studyUniversity of Sussex
SponsorUniversity of Sussex
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of Peter Carpenter Africa Climate Scholarship

  • To enhance the climate science capacity in Africa through highly trained scientists.
  • To improve understanding of the African climate system.
  • To improve the quality of climate information to inform decision-making and to reduce uncertainty in future climate projections over Africa.

Requirements for Peter Carpenter Africa Climate Scholarship Qualification

This prestigious fully-funded PhD Peter Carpenter Climate Change scholarship is awarded to African citizens with top level academic qualifications.

The PhD project can focus on any aspect of African climate science, to be decided taking account of candidates’ interests, experience and career goals. However, the research focus can be aligned with two major research projects on African climate resilience in which the Sussex team are currently involved, under the CLARE programme (Climate Adaptation and Resilience, funded by UK aid and Canada’s IDRC. 

Application Deadline

April 15, 2024

How to Apply

If you meet the entry requirement of a first-class degree in natural sciences then you should 

(i) mail your CV to Professor Martin Todd  [email protected]  

(ii) complete the on-line application at going straight to step 5, and clearly state on the application form that you are applying for the Peter Carpenter African Climate Scholarship, and leave the research proposal section blank.

For more details, visit University of Sussex website.

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