University of California GloCal Health Fellowship for Developing Countries 2023-2024

University of California GloCal Health Fellowship for Developing Countries 2023-2024

The GloCal Health Fellowship supports a 12-month, mentored research fellowship for investigators interested in studying diseases and conditions in developing countries. The fellowship is designed for: US doctoral students (PhD, DrPH, etc.), professional students (MD, DDS, DVM, PharmD, etc.) and postdoctoral fellows, as well as foreign postdoctoral fellows from affiliated international sites in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). Ideal candidates will propose research in areas such as, but not limited to:

  • Social and behavioral science
  • Nutrition
  • Environment
  • Medicine
  • Public health
  • Nursing
  • Veterinary and basic sciences

Top-tier global health faculty from the UC campuses and international sites mentor fellows in the GloCal Health Fellowship program, thus engaging in rich and enduring experiences that foster scientific and career development in global health research.

Fellows accepted into this program must spend at least 11 consecutive months during their 12-month fellowship at their international research sites. All fellows participate in the UCSF online Responsible Conduct of Research course at the beginning of their fellowship. Pre-doctoral fellows also take the online course in Designing Clinical Research. All fellows must participate in a week-long orientation at the NIH in Washington, D.C. at the beginning of their fellowship.

About University of California

The University of California is a system of 10 campuses, five medical centers and three affiliated national laboratories. The Office of the President, located in Oakland CA, is the University’s headquarters. UCOP supports campuses and students through systemwide funding and programs. It manages the University’s multi-billion dollar operations and investments. It oversees medical centers and national labs. It provides centralized labor relations and legal services. And it promotes the well-being of its diverse and large workforce through benefits and retirement programs.... rea... read more

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GloCal Health Fellowship

Application Deadline01 Nov 2022
Country to studyUnited Kingdom, United States
SponsorUniversity of California
GenderMen and Women

Aim and Benefits of GloCal Health Fellowship

GloCal Health Fellowships, which begin annually in July, provide:

  • 12 consecutive months of stipend support
  • Research funding ($15,000)
  • Travel costs to and from the international field site
  • Support for online courses
  • A week-long orientation on the National Institutes of Health campus in Washington, D.C.

Requirements for GloCal Health Fellowship Qualification

  • You are eligible to apply, if you have an affiliation with one of the 20 GloCal international sites.
  • US Postdoctoral fellows affiliated with UC: You are eligible to apply. If you are from a UC campus not part of the GloCal consortium (UCD, UCSD, UCSF, UCLA), then you must also establish a mentor from one of the four consortium campuses.
  • US Postdoctoral fellows not affiliated with UC: You are eligible to apply, but must establish a UC mentor (from one of the four GloCal consortium campuses) who is willing to appoint you in his/her department if accepted into the fellowship.
  • UC Advanced doctoral students (PhD, DrPh, etc): You are eligible to apply if you have advanced to candidacy by the time the fellowship begins. Your dissertation research is expected to be your GloCal project, with your dissertation advisor serving on your fellowship mentoring team.
  • UC Senior professional students (MD, DDS, DVM, etc): You are eligible to apply if you have completed your basic science courses and one year of clinical training before you begin the fellowship.
  • Undergraduate or Master’s level students: You are NOT eligible to apply for this fellowship.

Eligible fellows must:

  • Be citizens of the United States or its territories or possessions, or persons lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence,
    • OR if they are international postdocs, must be citizens from one of the 17 low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) in the GloCal Health Fellowship Program. International Postdoc fellows from LMICs must carry out their fellowships in their home countries.
  • Have demonstrated interest in, and statement of commitment to, a career in global health research.
  • Have support from two committed faculty mentors when they apply. More on mentors below. 

Accepted GloCal fellows must have support from three committed faculty mentors. A mentor team consists of one mentor from each of the categories below:

  • One of the four UC GloCal Consortium campuses (UC Davis, UCLA, UC San Diego, and UCSF) – required with application.
  • An affiliated international site – required with application. 
  • A “trans” mentor who is a senior investigator from a different field of expertise and/or a different geographic location than the fellow – must identify once accepted to the program. 
  • Please note: if you are applying from one of the six UC campuses not part of the Consortium, the recommendation is to have your third “trans” mentor be someone from your home institution

If you are looking for a mentor, please reach out to one of the international site contacts, or refer to the mentor list below.

  • Mentor List
  • Expectations of GloCal mentors are outlined in the Mentorship Compact

Application Deadline

November 1, 2022

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to University of California on to apply

To apply, please complete the online application and provide the required supporting documents by the deadline. You can save your work on the application at any time by scrolling to the bottom and clicking on the “Save and Return Later” button. After saving, you will be given a code to return to the application.

Please anticipate the application deadline to avoid a last-minute submission, as no exceptions will be made for applications received after the deadline. If you have any questions related to the online application process, please contact Kimberly Bale.

For more details, visit University of California website.

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