In view of the cashless policy of the Central Bank of Nigeria, the University will no longer accept payment of fees by cash from students. The new procedures for payment of fees are outlined below;
1. Obtain a Payment Slip bearing a Transaction ID and Quickteller code.
To do this;
- Visit the University site http://uniuyo.nucdb.edu.ng
- Login with your username and password on the left hand side of the home- page
- Click on "Make Payment" under the make payment link on the student page.
- Update your student data properly
- If entries are valid, there is a redirection to the page showing your fees
breakdown, select your payment option (First Semester or Full Payment).
- Click on the Confirmation button to generate the payment slip (the payment slip shows the Transaction ID and Quickteller Code)
- Print this payment slip
2. To make payment use option "A" or "B" below:
A. WEB (Quickteller.com)
- Visit quickteller.com
- Select University of Uyo under the PAYCHOICE category
- Select the Quickteller Code printed on your payment slip
- Enter the Transaction ID printed on your payment slip
- Proceed to enter details of your ATM or Debit card
- Click the "Pay" button
- Print your Payment receipt from the screen. A copy is also sent to your email.
- Obtain the University receipt from your online student portal and proceed to your Faculty Finance Officer for endorsement.
- Visit your bank where your account is domiciled
- Ask for payment of University of Uyo Fees through NIBSS and tender your payment slip to the bank teller
- Get a payment receipt from the bank
- Obtain the University receipt from your online student portal and proceed to your Faculty Finance Officer for endorsement.
Every student should open an account with any commercial bank of his/her choice and obtain from the bank, an ATM card. You must ensure that your account is funded enough to pay the fees for the semester or session.