UNIPORT Academic Calendar for the 2019/2020 academic session has been published. The academic calendar shows a break down of academic activities for the 2019/2020 academic session. According to the calendar, fresh and returning students are expected back to Campus on Sunday 8th December, 2019. See full details below;
UNIPORT Academic Calendar for 2019/2020 Academic Session
0.0 Monday. 25th – Friday. 6th December 2019
Pre-resumption Registration for Fresh Students
1.0 Sunday, 8th December 2019
Fresh and Returning Students Arrive
2.0 Monday. 9th December 2019
Registration of Returning Students Begins
3.0 Wednesday. 18th December 2019
Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Senate to Consider Second Semester 2018/2019 Results
4.0 Friday. 20th December – Saturday. 4th January 2020
Christmas Break
5.0 Monday, 6th January, 2019 – Friday. 3rd ADM. 2020 (13 weeks)
- Lectures Begin for all Students (Monday, 6,, January, 2020)
- Orientation for Fresh Students (Tuesday, 4,, February, 2020)
- Deadline for Payment of Charges (Friday, 28th February, 2020)
- End of Registration for all Students (Friday, 6,, March, 2020)
- Matriculation Ceremony (Tuesday, 10th March, 2020)
- Submission of Continuous Assessment Scores to Academic Office (Friday, April, 2020)
- End of Lectures (Friday, 3rd April, 2020)
6.0 Monday. 6th April – Friday, 17th April. 2020
- Revision
- Easter Break (Friday 10th – Monday 13th April 2020)
7.0 Monday. 20th April – Friday. 15th May. 2020 (4 weeks) First Semester Examinations
8.0 Monday. 18th – Saturday. 30th May. 2020 (2weeksj First Semester Break
9.0 Wednesday. 17th Lune 2020
Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Senate to consider First Semester 2019/2020 Results
10.0 June – December 2020
Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES)
11.0 Sunday, 3151 May, 2020
All Students Arrive
12.0 Monday. 1st June – Friday. 28th August. 2020 (13 weeks)
(i) Lectures Begin for All Students (Monday, 1st June 2020)
(ii) Deadline for Payment of Second Instalment Charges (Friday, 3rd July, 2020)
(iii) End of Registration for Second Instalment Payment (Friday, 10th July, 2020)
(iv) Submission of Continuous Assessment Scores to Academic Office (Friday, 28th August 2020)
(v) End of Lectures (Friday, 28th August 2020)
13.0 Monday. 31st August – Saturday. 5th September. 2020
Students Union Week: Cultural Activities/Students Union Election
14.0 Monday. 7th – Friday. 11th September. 2020
15.0 Monday 14th September – Friday. 9th October 7020 (4 Weeks) Second Semester Examinations
16.0 Monday. 12th – Saturday. 24th October. 2020 (2 weeks)
2019/2020 Long Vacation (Full-Time Students)
17.0 Wednesday. 11th November. 2020
Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Senate to consider Second Semester 2019/2020 Results
1.0 Monday. 6th – Friday. 10th July. 2020
- Fresh and Returning Students Arrive (Monday, 6th July, 2019)
- Students Resume (Contact with Student Affairs)
- Registration of Fresh and Returning Students
- Orientation for Fresh Students
2.0 Monday. 13th Iuly – Friday. 11th September. 2020 (9 Weeks)
- Lectures Begin for All Students (Monday, 13th July, 2020)
- Submission of Continuous Assessment Scores to Academic Office (Friday, 4th September, 2020)
- End of Lectures (Friday, 11th September, 2020)
3.0 Monday. 14th – Friday. 18th September. 2020 (1 week)
4.0 Monday. 21st – Saturday, 26th September. 2020 (1 week)
Examinations for All Sandwich Students
5.0 Wednesday. 28th October. 2020
Extra-Ordinary Meeting of Senate to consider Sandwich Programme 2020 Results