Following the letter of the National Universities Commission (NUC) with reference number NUC/ES/138/voL63/151 dated 23rd December 2020, which conveyed the directive of the Federal Government that Officers on CONTISS 11(or its equivalent) and below should stay at home for a period of five (5) weeks effective from Wednesday, 23rd December 2020, the University Management has directed as follows:
1. Staff on CONTISS 11/or its equivalent) and below should stay at home for a period of five (5) weeks.
2. The affected staff in (1) above, are expected to resume duty on Thursday, 28th January 2021
3. Notwithstanding the above, should the need arise, Management can call any staff back to work.
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4. Sequel to the New Year public holiday, Staff on CONTISS 12 (or its equivalent) and above are to report to duty and enjoined to strictly adhere to the extant preventive measures of physical distancing. regular washing of hands and /or sanitizing of hands, wearing of face masks and reduce the number of visitors to offices.
5. In line with the directive of the Presidential Task Force (PTF) on CovID-19, all academic activities involving large crowds (such as classrooms, accommodation, conferences and seminars), should be suspended pending further directive by the Federal Government on the reopening of schools. hostel
6. Staff who may have returned from overseas are advised to self-isolate. Such returnee staff should call the Lulu Briggs Health Centre for further advice and guidance with the following numbers of the Emergency Room: 07036099870/ 08119051383.
Please stay safe.
Thank you.