Applicants are invited for suitably qualifies Candidates for admission into the following Graduate and Post-Graduate Programmes of the Centre for Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies:
1. Master of Science (M.Sc) Degree in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies
2. Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies
The Centre for Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies is a collaborating unit of the University of Port Harcourt and the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA).
The Philosophy underlying CDRMDS University of Port Harcourt is to provide broad core Disaster Risk Management and Development training that bridges the gap between theory and practice. Our mission is basically to provide and facilitate Education, Training and Research in Disaster Risks Management, Development Studies and Humanitarian Assistance Operations.
For Admission into the M.Sc Degree programme in Disaster Risk Management and Development Studies, Candidate must possess a Bachelor Degree with Second Class Honours in: Social Sciences, Sciences, Engineering, Social Medicine, Environmental Sciences, Town Planning, Agriculture, Forestry, Communication and Information Technology of not less than 3.00 point of five (5) point scale of the University of Port Harcourt, or other institutions recognized by the senate. For PGD admission, holders of the above degree(s) with less than 3.00 points or HND holders with at least a Merit in a related discipline from any institution recognized by the University of Port Harcourt.
The Programme duration for Master of Science (M.Sc) degree and Post-Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Disaster Risk Management & Development Studies is for 12 calendar months (3 Semesters) each.
Interested applicants are to collect application forms with a non-refundable sum of 22,500.00 only, payable cash or into our account as indicated below:
Centre for Disaster Risk Mgt.
Uniport-Choba Microfinance Bank Ltd; Account Number: 0152829185 OR
Fidelity Bank Plc, Uniport Branch: 5210034455
Completed Application Forms, Academic Transcript, three reference letter and other relevant documents must be returned to the Director, Centre for Disaster Risk Management & Development Studies, University of Port Harcourt, not later than Wednesday 30th November, 2016.