The University of Port Harcourt invites applications from suitably qualified candidates into the following posts in the University.
Department of Pure & Ind Chemistry
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Dept of Mathematics and Statistics
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Assistant Lecturer (in Mathematics with specialty in Algebra, Analysis, Differential Equation, Industrial Mathematics and modelling and in Statistics).
Dept of Plant Science & Biotechnology
i. Plant Ecology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
ii. Plant Pathology
Lecturer I
Dept of Physics
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer II
Assistant Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Microbiology
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Assistant Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Adult and Non-Formal Education
Snr Lecturer
Assistant Lecturer (in Education with specialty in Literacy Education, Open & Distance Education and Adult Education Administration)
Dept of Computer Science
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Geology
i. Inorganic/Organic Geochemistry
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst. Lecturer
ii. Structural Geology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst. Lecturer
iii. Remote Sensing/GIS
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst. Lecturer
iv. Biostratigraphy/Palynology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
v. Sedimentology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
vi. Geophysics
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
vii. Economic Geology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
viii. Igneous/Metamorphic Geology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
ix. Crystallography/Mineralogy
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
x. Environmental Geology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
xi. Tectono-Physicist
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
xii. Geostatistics
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Dept of Biochemistry
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
School of Science Laboratory Technology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Dept of Paediatrics and Child Health
Lecturer I
Dept of Music
Associate Professor
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Dept of Foreign Languages & Literature
Snr Lecturers (Specialty, Language or Translation)
Lecturer I (Civilization, Literature, Language)
Lecturer II (Civilization, Literature, Language)
Trainee Librarian to take care of Graduate Assistant (Must be a graduate of French)
Department of Sociology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Assistant Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Finance & Banking
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Human Psychology
Lecturer II
Dept of Political & Admin Studies
Lecturer II (International Relations)
Lecturer II (Public Administration)
Lecturer II (Political Theory)
Lecturer II (Development Studies)
Dept of History & Diplomatic Studies
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Dept of Educational Management
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Dept of Curriculum Studies & Educational Technology
Professors, Snr Lecturer (Science Education)
Professors, Snr Lecturer & Lecturer I (Language Education)
Professors, Snr Lecturer (Curriculum & Instruction)
Professors, Snr Lecturer (Socail Studies Edu.)
Professors, Snr Lecturer, Lecturer I & Lecturer II (Maths Education)
Dept of Surgery
Neurosurgeon: Professor, Reader, Snr Lecturer & Lecturer I & II
Plastic Surgeon: Professor, Reader, Snr Lecturer & Lecturer I & II
Laparoscopic/Minimal Surgeon: Professor, Reader, Snr Lecturer & Lecturer I & II
Accident/Emergency Surgeon: Professor, Reader, Snr Lecturer & Lecturer I & II
Back Surgeon: Professor, Reader
Paediatric Surgery: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
Cardiothoracic Surgery: Senior Lecturer, Lecturer I
Department of Marketing
Lecturer I
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Accounting
Dept of Animal & Environmental Biology
1.) Entomology & Pest Management Unit
Assistant Lecturer
Grad Assistant
2.) Environmental Entomology
Lecturer II
3.) Animal Psychology Unit
Assistant Lecturer
Grad Assistant
4.) Fishery/Hydrobiology Unit
i. Hydrobiologist-Planton Studies
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
ii. Aquacturist
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
iii. Env. Biology Unit
a. Eco-toxicologist
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
b. Bio-Statistics
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
c. Waste Management
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
iv. Environmental Parasitology Unit
Asst Lecturer
Dept of Chemical Pathology
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Dept of Economics
Assistant Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Dept of Geography & Environment Management
Lecturer I and Lecturer II with Specialty in:
Population Geography
Cartography & Remote Sensing
Disaster Mgt
Water resource Mgt
Dept of Pharmacology
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Assistant Lecturer
Graduate Assistant
Dept of English Studies
Snr Lecturer
Faculty of Agriculture
i. Dept of Agric Econs & Ext.
Professors (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Professors (Agric Ext)
Reader (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Reader (Agric Ext)
Snr Lecturer (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Snr Lecturer (Agric Ext)
Lecturer I (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Lecturer I (Agric Ext)
Lecturer II (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Lecturer II (Agric Ext)
Asst Lecturer (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Asst Lecturer (Agric Ext)
Graduate Assistant (Agric Econs, Agric Ext)
Graduate Assistant (Agric Ext)
ii. Dept of Animal Sciences
Professor (Reproductive Physiology)
Snr Lecturer (Animal products & processing)
iii. Dept of Crop & Soil Science
Professor (Soil, Science, Genetics & Crop Breeding, and Crop Psychology)
Snr Lecturer (PhD - Soil Microbiology, Soil Physics, Soil Chemistry, Soil Survey/Soil Classification, Pedology, Crop Physiology, Nematology (2), Horticulture)
Professor (Wood Science, Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding)
Snr Lecturer (Forest Soil, Wood Science, Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding)
Faculty of Engineering
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Department of Mental Health
Lecturer I (MBBS, FWACP, FMC, Psy)
Lecturer II (MBBS, FWACP, FMC, Psy)
Dept of Radiology
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Asst Lecturer
Dept of Nursing
Professor (BSc Nursing, Reg. Nurse, Reg. Midwife, Ph.D)
Reader ''
Snr Lecturer ''
Lecturer I ''
Lecturer II ''
Asst Lecturer ''
Dept of Preventive and Social Medicince
Professors (BM, B.CH, DTM&H, DTCH)
Reader ''
Snr Lecturer ''
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Lecturer I
Faculty of Dentistry
i. Dept of Restorative Surgery
Professor (BDS, FMCDS/FWACS)
Reader ''
Snr Lecturer ''
Lecturer I ''
ii. Dept of Child Dental Health
Professor (BDS, FMCDS/FWACS)
Reader ''
Snr Lecturer ''
Lecturer I ''
Dept of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Lecturer (Fellowship, BDS, FMCDS/FWACS)
Faculty of Basic Medical Sciences
i. Dept of Anatomy
Snr Lecturer (MBBS, B.MED, M.Sc, PhD)
Lecturer I ''
Lecturer II (B.MED, MBBS)
Asst Lecturer (MBBS, BSc)
Department of Biochemistry
Snr Lecturer
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Dept of Pharmacology
Lecturer I
Lecturer II
Dept. of Anatomical Pathology
Lecturer I (MBBS, FCWAP)
Lecturer II (MBBS)
Faculty of Health Sciences
i. Dept of Mental Health
Lecturer I (Psychiatry) x 4 (Part II Fellowship)
Lecturer I (in Clinical Psychology) (MSc Clinical Psychology)
Lecturer II (in Psychiatry) x2 (Part I Fellowship)
Occupational Therapist (BSc or MSc Occup. Therapy)
ii. Dept of Chemical Pathology
Lecturer I (MBBS, FWACPath, FMCPath)
Lecturer II (MBBS)
iii. Dept of Haematology, Immunology & Blood Transfusion
Lecturer I (MBBS, FWACPath, FMCPath, MSC, PhD)
Lecturer II (MBBS, MSc, PhD)
iv. Dept of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology
Snr Lecturer (MBBS, FWACPath/FMCPath)
Lecturer I (MBBS, FWACPath/FMCPath)
Lecturer II (MBBS)
Candidates for this post should possess a Ph.D degree in the relevant field with at least 10 years post-qualification experience in teaching and research in Universities or similar institution of higher learning. Demonstrable ability to initiate, develop and supervise research projects. Good Scholarly publications in reputable journals. A capacity for academic leadership.
Same as Professor but with at least 8 years post qualification experience.
Senior Lecturer
Candidates for this post should possess a Ph.D degree in the relevant field with at least five years teaching and research in Universities. Scholarly publications will be an advantage.
Lecturer I
Candidates for this post should possess a Ph.D degree in the relevant field with at least three years teaching and research in Universities or comparable institutions. Scholarly publications will be an advantage.
Lecturer II
Candidates for this post should possess a Ph.D degree in the relevant area of specialization from a recognized University. Those that have not taught before are equally eligible to apply.
Graduate Assistant
Must posses a Bachelor's degree with Second Class Honours Upper Division
Assistant Lecturer
Candidates for this post should possess a Master's degree in the area of specialization from a recognised University and a Bachelors degree with a minimum of Second Class Upper Division
Conditions of Service
These are as applicable in the Federal Civil Service and as appropriate in the Nigerian University System.
How to Apply
Interested candidates are requested to forward 10 copies of their applications accompanied with detailed curriculum vitae, including names and addresses of three referees with a set of photocopies of certificates and relevant credentials in an envelope marked "Name of Post - for the attention to the Registrar" to:
The Registrar,
University of Port Harcourt,
P.M.B 5323
Port Harcourt
Candidates should also request their referees to forward attestations on their behalf, directly to the Registrar.
Candidates invited to the interview should bring along with them the originals of their credentials.
Application Deadline 10th March, 2013.
Source and more job offers: Jobgurusng.com