The Offshore Technology Institute, University of Port Harcourt (OTI-UNIPORT) is a Postgraduate energy Institute offering educational support and direction to the Oil and Gas Industry through the development and delivery of leadership, management and technical education specifically relevant to the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. It partners TechnipFMC and reputable oil and gas companies to carry out Teaching, Research and Continuous Professional Development (CPD) directed at the sustainability of the Offshore Oil and Gas Industry. Its aim is to provide skilled and competent manpower resource relevant to the needs of the energy industry in Nigeria & abroad.
Graduate Programmes of the Institute
The PhD Programmes include Pipeline Engineering, Offshore Engineering and Subsea Engineering in collaboration with TechnipFMC Technologies. The environment in the Institute is conducive for learning, students have access to audio visual aids, e-learning and internet facilities. The Teaching Faculty consists of Lecturers from the University of Port Harcourt (UNIPORT), other Universities within and outside Nigeria, Lecturers from Professional Institutions abroad, as well as experts from the Industry.
Duration: 24 months of Full. Time study and a minimum of 48 months of Part Time Study.
Award of Degree: Depending on entry qualifications and programme of study, a successful candidate shall receive the PhD award by the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria.
Admission Requirements: Candidates for admission into any of the PhD programmes must possess a Master’s Degree in the relevant area from any other recognized University, with an average cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 3.5 on a scale of 5.0. In addition, the candidate must score at least 60% in the PhD admission Interview.
Application Processing Fee: A non – refundable Application Processing Fee of Twenty Thousand (N20,000) in certified bank draft made payable to the Offshore Technology Institute, University of Port- Harcourt. Application Form can be obtained on-line www.otiuniport.org. The Form should be completed and submitted online. But hard copy of the completed Form along with the Bank Draft should also be submitted in person or via courier to: The Director, Offshore Technology Institute (OTI), ETF Gas Engineering University Park (UNIPARK), P.O. Box 50, Uniport Post Office, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt.
Important dates to remember: (Any change will be displayed on our website)
- Completed Application Forms must be returned to: The Director, Offshore Technology Institute, University of Port Harcourt, on or before Friday, 8th July 2023.
- Oral Interview for short-listed candidates via zoom shall be on Friday, 29th July 2023.
- Academic activities shall commence in September, 2023.
- For enquiries contact: director@otiuniport.org, +234 (0)803 454 5849, +234 (0)703 295 1006, +234 (0) 703 442 2101.
Scholarship: Candidates are expected to seek sponsorship from corporate bodies, PTDF, State Governments and other sponsoring agencies.
Dr. Gloria Chinda