The University of Port-harcourt has released the 2015/2016 Academic Calendar. The breakdown of activities is as indicated below;
1. Monday, 23 rd November, 2015 – Tuesday, 22 nd December, 2015: Pre-resumption Registration for Fresh Students
2. Monday, 14 th December, 2015: Registration of Returning Students Begins
3. Wednesday, 23rd December, 2015 - Sunday, 3rd January, 2016: Christmas Break
4. Sunday, 3rd January, 2016: Fresh and Returning Students Arrive (3 rd January, 2016)
5. Monday, 4th January, 2016 – Friday, 1st April, 2016 (13 Weeks)
i. Lectures Begin for All Students (4th January, 2016)
ii. Late Registration for All Students (End of Registration –12th February, 2016)
iii. Orientation for Fresh Students (17th February, 2016)
iv. Matriculation Ceremony (Thursday, 25th February, 2016)
v. Easter Break (Friday, 25th – Monday, 28th March, 2016)
vi. Convocation Ceremony (Saturday, 6th February, 2016
vii. End of Lectures (1 st April, 2016)
6. Monday, 4th April, 2016 – Friday, 8th April, 2016: Revision
7. Monday, 11th April, 2016 – Friday, 29th April, 2016: First Semester Examinations
8. Monday, 2nd May, 2016 – Friday, 13th May, 2016: First Semester Break
9. Wednesday, 1st June, 2016: Extra-ordinary Meeting of Senate to consider First Semester 2015/2016 Results
1.0 Sunday, 14th May, 2016: All Students Arrive
2.0 Monday, 16th May, 2016 – Friday, 12th August, 2016 [13 weeks]
(i) Lectures Begin for All Students
(ii) End of Lectures (12th August, 2016)
iii. SIWES (June 2016 – November, 2016)
3.0 Monday, 1st August, 2016 – Saturday, 6th August, 2016
Students Union Week: Cultural Activities/Professional Exhibitions
4.0 Monday, 15th August, 2016 – Friday, 19th August, 2016:
5.0 Monday, 22nd August, 2016 – Friday,9th September, 2016:
Second Semester Examinations
6.0 Monday, 12th September, 2016 –Friday, 14th October, 2016:
2015/2016 Long Vacation (Full-Time Students)
7.0 Wednesday, 12th October, 2016: Extra-ordinary Meeting of Senate to consider Second Semester 2015/2016 Results