This is to inform all prospective corps members for the 2013 Batch ‘B’ service year, that the department will commence issuing call-up letters from June 21, 2013.
All qualified graduates are expected to present the following:1.original success letter, with legible university seal;
2.photocopy of success letter;
3.U&C Bank teller, and photocopy of payment of Student Affairs charges. The photocopy must be certified by the Finance Officer, Student Affairs.
4.University of Port Harcourt Identity Card,No other I.D. Card will be honored;
5.Page and serial number of Bursary clearance;
6.Biro pen for signing.
Please be informed that call-up letters will not be issued by proxy. All prospective corps members must present themselves for this exercise.Issuance is free and on first come first serve basis.
A hot desk has been provided to handle all enquirers.
The University of Port Harcourt wishes you a safe trip to your various orientation camps, and a successful service year.