The management of University of Medical Sciences, Ondo (UNIMED) has announced the registration procedure for all newly admitted UTME and Direct Entry students in 2017/2018 academic session.
The detail are as stated below;
1. Visit JAMB Website & Print your Admission Letter
2. Visit the University Portal on www.unimed.edu.ng/portal
3. Click on Check Admission Status to know your admission status and Accept It
4. Click on Payment to make payment for Acceptance Fee online and print evidence of payment or Generate Payment Invoice to pay through commercial banks via e-tranzact platform. Visit the portal thereafter to Confirm your Payment by carefully entering your Payment Confirmation No if payment was made through commercial banks.
5. Click Account Creation to Create Student Account and Subsequently Log In to fill all required forms.
6. Download & Print Completed Forms in 4 Copies.
7. Proceed to Bursary Department to obtain receipt for payment of Acceptance Fee.
8. Proceed to Academic Affairs Office for Screening (from Monday 13th November 2017) with 4 Copies of Printed Forms, Original Copies of Credentials – JAMB Admission Letter, ‘O’ Level/’A’ Level/B.Sc Result, Local Government Attestation Letter, Birth Certificate, Letter of good conduct from reputable person in the society, 4 Passport sized photograph, Acceptance Fee Receipt from Bursary Department.
9. On Successful Clearance, proceed to pay for School Fees, Internet Access and Accommodation Fees.
10.Log in to your Account and fill Course Registration Form.
11.Download & Print Completed Course Registration in 4 Copies.
12.Proceed to your Departmental Course Coordinator for endorsement of Registration Form
13.Proceed to your Department for Head of Department’s endorsement
14.Proceed to Dean of your Faculty for endorsement.
15.Thereafter, Submit your completed course registration forms to your Faculty Officer.