UNIMED Registration procedure for all newly admitted students of the university in the 2020/2021 academic session has been published.
All newly admitted students of the university are therefore advised to follow the steps as stated below to complete their registration for the 2020/2021 academic session.
UNIMED 2020/2021 New Students’ Registration Procedure
- Visit JAMB Website & Print your Admission Letter
- VISIT the University Portal on unimed.edu.ng/portal
- Click on Check Admission Status to know your admission status and Accept It
- Click on Payment to make payment for Acceptance Fee online and print evidence of payment or Generate Payment Invoice to pay through commercial banks via e- transact platform. Visit the portal thereafter to Confirm your Payment by carefully entering your Payment Confirmation No if payment was made through commercial banks.
- After successful payment, Print e-Payment Receipt online
- Click Account Creation to Create Student Account and Subsequently Log In to fill all required forms.
- Download & Print Completed Forms in 4 Copies.
- Proceed to Academic Affairs Office for Screening (from Monday 15th October 2018) with 4 Copies of Printed Forms, Original Copies of Credentials – JAMB Admission Letter, ‘O’ Level/’A’ Level/B.Sc Result, Local Government Attestation Letter, Birth Certificate, Letter of good conduct from reputable person in the society, 4 Passport sized photograph, Acceptance Fee payment receipt.
- Proceed to the Health Centre to complete medical registration.
- On Successful Clearance, proceed to pay for School Fees and Accommodation Fees (For Hostel Space).
- Log in to your Account and fill Course Registration Form.
- Download & Print Completed Course Registration in 4 Copies.
- Proceed to your Departmental Course Coordinator for endorsement of Registration Form
- Proceed to your Department for Head of Department’s endorsement
- Proceed to Dean of your Faculty for endorsement.
- Thereafter, Submit your completed course registration forms to your Faculty Officer.