Welcome to the University of Maiduguri! The following steps outline the registration procedure for newly admitted undergraduate students as directed by the management. It is crucial for students to adhere to this step-by-step guide to facilitate a smooth registration process.
STEP 1: Print your admission letter.
STEP 2: Go to your faculty for clearance.
STEP 3: After you are cleared, visit https://umstad.online.
STEP 4: Use your JAMB Reg. No. as username and umstad@2024 as default password.
STEP 5: You will be directed to change your password.
STEP 6: Do not forget that your default password is generated automatically. For security reasons, please change it:
Note that your old password is umstad@2024
➤ Create your new password.
Confirm your new password.
Then click on update password button
STEP 7: You will be redirected to payment details:
STEP 8: Click on pay now with Remita.
➤ After your payment is successful, Your ID No. will be generated automatically.
➤ Else, go to verify and input your RRR number, then click on verify. If the verification is successful, your ID No. will be generated.
You will be redirected to your Dashboard as registered student.
STEP 9: Take your Remita printout to the Bursary Department and submit for verification.
STEP 10: After submitting the Remita printout to the Bursary, continue with your registration.
STEP 11: Go to your Dashboard and click on course registration to view compulsory courses to take.
STEP 12: For elective courses, you have to select them by yourself and click on submit to complete the registration and download your course registration form.
STEP 13: Click on your profile to print your bio data form.
STEP 14: After registration is completed, you can now have access to apply for hostel and perform other activities.
Note: In case of network failure after a successful payment on the Remita portal, you can go back to payment and input your RRR Number to verify it.