UNILAG update on 1st Semester 2019/2020 Examination

UNILAG update on 1st Semester 2019/2020 Examination

This is to inform all students that Arrangements have been concluded to commence the 2019/2020 Session Examinations (Physical and  Online). Students are requested to note the following:

General Information

∙ The first (1st) Semester Examinations for the 2019/2020 Session have been scheduled between  Monday, March 22, 2012 to Friday, April 30, 2021.

∙ Students are to note that the public holidays (Easter) have been considered in scheduling the  period of examinations.

∙ The GST courses will take place in the first week from Monday, March 22, 2021 to Friday,  March 26, 2021

∙ Examinations in core courses in the Faculty of Education (physical) would take place from Monday, April 26 to Friday, April 30, 2021.

∙ 100 Level and 200 Level shall take their examinations online (virtual) from Monday, March  29, 2021 to Wednesday, April 7, 2021 and are therefore not expected to be on campus. ∙ 300 Level students will take their examinations in person (physical) from Thursday, April 8,  2021 to Friday April 16, 2021.

∙ 400 Level to 500 Level students will take their examinations in person (physical) from  Monday, April 19, 2021 to Saturday April 24, 2021

∙ Consequently, these categories of students (300 Level to 500 Level) would be required to be on  campus.

∙ Arrangements have been put in place to ensure the examinations (online & physical) are  conducted seamlessly.  

∙ Adequate arrangements, in line with COVID-19 protocols have been made and would be strictly  followed for access to the examination and the hostels.  

∙ The approved Examination Time-table with the scheduled time shall be forwarded to the email  addresses of all students, Heads of Departments and Deans.

∙ The online examinations shall be recorded and monitored in line with best practices ∙ All issues arising from the online examinations shall be reviewed and genuine cases rescheduled  within the examination period.  

∙ The University would be responsible for data for the conduct of the online examination.  

GST Courses

Students writing the forthcoming GST Examinations should note as follows:

1. Click on the link https://proctee.webtest.ng/exam/unilagmain

2. You can also access this link from gstonline.unilag.edu.ng or from the student portal. 3. Your username is your Matriculation number.

4. Your password is your student portal password

5. Click on the exam you are scheduled to write

6. For complaints, please send an email to: helpdesk@unilag.edu.ng/gst@unilag.edu.ng or  SMS to 09099022131.

Guidelines for Online Examinations (100 Level and 200 Level)

∙ Students are advised to have a reliable internet connection before attempting the online  examination. 

∙ Your activities during the period of the examination will be monitored and recorded. Students  will be required to attempt the examination with a webcam and microphone enabled  device. (For optimal experience, use of mobile phones for the examination is  discouraged).


∙ Students are forbidden from covering their webcams during the period of the examination. Our  inability to see the student at any time during the examination may result in disqualification. ∙ During the examination, you are not permitted to leave your position. You are advised to  adequately prepare before commencing the examination. 

∙ In the course of the examination, you are not permitted to leave the examination tab or device  for another device tab or application on the computer for any reason, not even to use the  computer calculator. Departure from the examination tab may result in disqualification. 

∙ Nobody is permitted to be around you during the period of the examination, not even  members of your family. You will be disqualified if anybody is seen around you during the  examination. 

∙ The duration of the examination will be specified. The time starts to count immediately you  click the start button and continues to count even if you log out before the lapses. ∙ In the event that you run out of time, your examination will automatically be submitted. ∙ Use of face mask or face caps during the examination is prohibited. 

∙ Students should please note that they would be scheduled for each examination  and therefore should check their scheduled dates and time as from Sunday March  21, 2021. 

 Instruction from CITS

∙ Each student is expected to print from the web site, his or her endorsed docket.  ∙ The rules for online and physical examination written on the docket apply to the examination. ∙ Three days to the commencement of each examination, a link to connect to the  

online examination portal and the time scheduled for each course will be sent to the  concerned student.  

∙ For year 300 Level to 500 Level students, the University statutory and formality guiding the  conduct of examination applies.

∙ The guideline on requirements for online examination is posted on the University portal. ∙ To ensure a credible online examination, only Academic staff should be used as proctors and  the following guidelines shall subsist:

i. One (1) Proctor for twenty-five (25) students is recommended. However, the Dean in  conjunction with CITS may increase as appropriate.

ii. The Sub Deans are to be available to reset Microsoft Account Password for students if  necessary.

iii. Each Faculty should have a Proctoring Centre. The Boardroom of each Faculty will be  equipped with LAN wiring.

iv. In the alternative, the CITS will also have a Proctoring Centre for any Department/Faculty that  may require it.

v. Students are to be sensitized on the Online Examination Malpractices.

vi. Proctoring Assistance in Web Test will be used to trace examination malpractices. vii. The web test is a user-friendly environment with facilities to support easy invigilation  (proctoring). Some of those features are:

⮚ Flag button: This help to earmark student for further review after the examination if the  examiner perceives some illegality in conduct of the examination.

⮚ The Chat button: This is used to send text message to the student to correct or know his  problem.

⮚ The Call button : this is used to have call conversation with the students during the exam  to correct or know his problem.


⮚ The Sound button: this is used by examiner to listen to the discussion around the student

 Physical (in person) Examinations (300 Level to 500 Level)

∙ All venues for the examinations have been identified and inspected to ensure compliance with  COVID-19 protocols.

∙ Faculties shall should use only identified and designated venues for examinations. ∙ Deans of Faculties shall ensure that sanitizers are provided for the students.

∙ Only Examination Dockets endorsed by the authorised University Officer (Deputy Vice  Chancellor)shall suffix as the access document for the examinations and hostels.  

Hostel Accommodation for 300 Level To 500 Level Students

The conditions for entry into the hostels for the First (1st) Semester 2019/2020 Session examinations  shall be as follows:  

∙ Student must be registered for the 2019/2020 Session.

∙ Student must present coloured Examination Docket for the First (1st) Semester 2019/2020  examinations.

∙ Must present a bottle of hand sanitizer (Minimally 500ml).

∙ Must present at least 10 face masks.

∙ Must wear face mask into and out of the hostels at all times.

∙ Students with bed space allocations for 2019/2020 should use their allocated spaces. ∙ Students with no bed space allocations for 2019/2020 should report to their assigned halls  of residence for bed space.

∙ 300 Level students should move into the hostels on Wednesday, April 7, 2021. ∙ 300 Level students must move out of the hostels on or before Saturday, April 17, 2021. ∙ 400 Level and 500 Level students should move into the hostels on Sunday, April 18, 2021. ∙ 400 Level and 500 Level students must move out of the hostels on or before Saturday, April 24, 2021.

∙ Students with core courses in Education should move into the hostels on Sunday 25  April 2021.

∙ Students with core courses in Education must move out of the hostels on or before Sunday,  April 30, 2021.

Extant rules and regulations with associated penalties for hostel residency are still applicable and  must be obeyed by all students.

Online Examination Misconduct /Malpractices

The guidelines on online and physical examinations malpractices has been reviewed (attached). The  reviewed guidelines shall be forwarded for the information of all students.  

Help desk

∙ Deans of Faculty have been duly informed to set up help line which shall be publicised in various  Facultices notice boards.

∙ Students are to check their UNILAG email addresses and Faculty notices/platforms for updates. ∙ The Director, Quality Assurance & SERVICOM shall continually monitor activities of faculties to  ensure compliance.

∙ Faculties shall have at least two (2) persons to handle the helplines (one to attend to emails and  the other for phone calls).

∙ Deans shall ensure that all Faculty Examination Officers and all Course Advisers are engaged for  the helplines and other logistics.  

∙ The CITS shall ensure that at least one (1) of its staff is available to give technical support in eac  Faculty.


1. Impersonation: expulsion

2. Smuggling and Possession of Answer Script: Expulsion

3. Destruction of unauthorized Materials: Expulsion

4. Attacking or threatening Invigilators: Expulsion

5. Tendering unauthentic document: Expulsion

6. Failure to submit answer script: Rustication (two semesters)

7. Recidivism: Expulsion. Except cases listed in  15-19 below

8. Copying from Unauthorized materials: Rustication (two semesters)

9. Possession of written materials: 1st Timer Rustication (two   semester)

10. Aiding and Abetting others to copy: Rustication (two semesters)

11. Refusal to submit offending materials: Rustication (two semesters)

12. Collaborative Copying: Rustication (two semesters)

13. Refusal to Complete Examination  Misconduct Forms: Rustication (two semesters)

14. Unauthorized communication:

1st Timer Warning

2nd Timer Rustication (1 Semester)

15. Disruptive Behavior:

1st Timer Warning

2nd Timer Rustication (1  Semester).

16. Influencing Examination Official:

1st Timer Warning

2nd Timer Rustication (1 Semester)

17. Unauthorized Changing of Sitting Position:

1st Timer Warning

2nd Timer Rustication (1 Semester)

18. Disobeying Examination Instructions:

1st Timer Warning

2nd Timer Rustication (1 Semester)

19. Possession of telephone(s) in the examination hall either in use or not: Rustication (one semester)

20.  Failure to appear before the Misconduct  Panel: Suspension for 2 semesters  after which nonappearance  leads to Expulsion

21. Other related acts of Examination  Misconduct not specifically stated: *Penalty shall be determined based on the recommendation of the Misconduct Panel.


1. Screen sharing /Mirroring to other devices  / Projectors of  friends/classmates/family/experts to  cheat: Rustication (two semesters)

2. Cheating with Technological Devices/High Tech Equipment e.g micro bluetooth  powered devices- earbuds, augmented  reality glasses, invisible smart watches,  hard drives, USB among other things: Rustication (two semesters)

3. Smartphones/smart devices and use of  Mobile Education apps to retrieve   automated recommended answers: Rustication (two semesters)

4. Impersonation or Faking of Identities: Expulsion

5. Auto Coding Software and use of Team  Viewer software to take control of students  Computer remotely: Expulsion

6: Plagiarism of Content: Expulsion

7. Hacking of question bank/system resulting  to Content Leakage of questions: Expulsion

8. Deliberate obstruction of Proctoring Device: Rustication (two semesters)

9. Presence of Family/Friends/Examination  Room: ustication (two semesters)

10. Traditional jottings of relevant materials on  body parts/ devices: Rustication (two semesters)

11. Other related acts of Examination  Misconduct (online) not specifically stated: *Penalty shall be determined  based on the recommendation  of the Misconduct Panel.

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