The School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos – University of First Choice and the Nation’s Pride, a leading, reputable first generation institution for postgraduate education and research in Africa, situated in the commercial nerve centre of Nigeria, hereby extends the sale of application forms for suitably qualified candidates from recognized institutions for admission into the 2021/2022 session from Sunday, 29th August 2021 to Friday, 22nd October 2021.
Prospective candidates should visit the School of Postgraduate Studies, University of Lagos Portal, https://spgs.unilag.edu.ng, and click the 2021/2022 applications link for detailed information.
- Applicants are advised to visit the University of Lagos, School of Postgraduate Studies (Http://Spgs.Unilag.Edu.Ng) regularly on the dates for the Qualifying Examination / Interviews and any additional information.
- Completed Application Forms are to be submitted online not later than Friday, 29th October, 2021
For further information, please contact through the following:
- Telephone lines provided at Http://Spgs.Unilag.Edu.Ng
- E-mails: admissionspgs@unilag.edu.ng; ictspgs@unilag.edu.ng; subdeanspgs@unilag.edu.ng