UNILAG announces date for postgraduate qualifying exam, 2021/2022

UNILAG announces date for postgraduate qualifying exam, 2021/2022

This is to inform the general public that the Deadline for sale of Application Form into Postgraduate programmes for 2021/2022 session is extended till 6th November, 2021.

The Qualifying Examination has been fixed for Thursday 11th to Saturday 13th November, 2021.

It will be online-based.

  • Applicants are advised to visit the University of Lagos, School of Postgraduate Studies (Http://Spgs.Unilag.Edu.Ng) regularly for information on their assigned dates for the Qualifying Examination and any additional information.
  • For further information, please contact the following:
  1. Telephone lines provided at Http://Spgs.Unilag.Edu.Ng
  2. Emails: Admissionspgs@Unilag.Edu.NgIctspgs@Unilag.Edu.Ng;  Subdeanspgs@Unilag.Edu.Ng

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