UNILAG notice to students on 3rd Wave COVID-19 pandemic

UNILAG notice to students on 3rd Wave COVID-19 pandemic

The University of Lagos Medical Centre wishes to inform all members of the University of Lagos Community about what appears to be the start of a potential 3rd wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Lagos State.

The Executive Governor of Lagos State, Mr. Babajide Sanwo-olu, in his press statement issued on July 11, 2021, stated that since the beginning of July there has been a steep increase in the number of daily confirmed cases, with the test positivity rate going from 1.1% at the end of June 2021, to its current rate of 6.6% as at the 8th of July 2021. This is with a concurrent increase in the occupancy rate at Lagos State isolation centres.

The University of Lagos community has also been affected by this potential 3rd wave, with an increase in the number of patients presented to the University of Lagos Medical Centre with flu-like symptoms which are similar to COVID-19.

The Medical Centre hereby assures all members of the University community, that all necessary actions in line with the Federal and Lagos State Government guidelines have been taken regarding this potential threat in our community.

The Medical Centre will also return to providing EMERGENCY ONLY SERVICES during this period, in order to protect all members of the community f rom potential infection within the facility. The Medical Centre Emergency Contact line: 09095879781 remains open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Despite this threat to the return of normalcy, pursuit of education and daily livelihood, it has become imperative once more to judiciously adhere to the following COVID-19 guidelines and protocols in order to curb the spread of this disease:

  1. Mask up: Cover the mouth and nose with a face mask when in all public places or when in the    midst of people.
  2. Practice social distancing when in public places by ensuring there is a distance of 6 feet (about 3 arm lengths) between you and the next person.
  3. Regular washing of hands with soap and water for about 20 seconds or the time it takes to sing the happy birthday song twice.
  4. Rub the hands with 60-70% alcohol-based sanitizers when hands are not visibly soiled and in the absence of soap and water.
  5. Get fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as the vaccines have been proven to be effective in the prevention of severe forms of the disease.
  6. Temperature checks before entry into buildings within the community.
  7. Re-activation of handwashing stands at all entry points to buildings within the community.
  8. Labelling of seats and pathways to ensure social distancing.
  9. Gatherings/ Meetings should be limited to 50% occupancy in closed spaces or preferably conducted in outdoor spaces or via virtual platforms.
  10. Mobilization of COVID-19 Response teams in faculties and departments for the domestication and implementation of the COVID-19 guidelines and protocols and peculiar issues that might arise.

Kindly take note of the following:

Travel Protocols

All members of the University community who embark on international travel are enjoined to comply with the Federal and Lagos State Government guidelines on COVID-19, and self-quarantine for a minimum of 7 days on return to the country before taking the arrival COVID-19 PCR test.

Religious Activities

More vigilance is required in all Churches, Mosques and other places of worship within the University community, therefore full compliance with all protective protocols is mandatory.

Vaccination Exercise

Every effort is being made for another COVID-19 vaccination exercise within the community once a new batch of vaccines are available to Lagos State.

Pandemic fatigue

The University of Lagos Community is once more encouraged in the fight against COVID-19; not to give up, get tired nor develop mask fatigue. Wining against the 3rd wave of COVID-19 is our collective responsibility!

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