UNILAG JUPEB Final Exam Registration Date, Procedures - 2013/14

UNILAG JUPEB Final Exam Registration Date, Procedures - 2013/14

The University of Lagos (UNILAG) announces the dates for the registration of Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) final examinations and the procedures for registration.

Registration for the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB) final examinations will commence on Monday, June 30 and end on Monday, July 14, 2014.

Students of the 2013/2014 Foundation Programmes of the University of Lagos are advised to follow the procedure indicated below to pay and register for the examination:

  1. Log on to the Foundation Programmes portal through the University of Lagos website: www.unilag.edu.ng.
  2. Download the pay advice.
  3. Proceed to any of the under-listed banks to pay the JUPEB Examination Registration Fee: Twenty Five Thousand (N25,000:00; excluding bank charges): Access Bank, Ecobank, Firstbank Plc, Guaranty Trust Bank Plc, UBA Plc, Union Bank Plc, Wema Bank Plc, or Zenith Bank Plc.
  4. Return to the Foundation Programmes portal and complete the JUPEB Examination Registration Form.
  5. Print two copies of the completed form, stamp them and drop a copy at the Foundation office.
  6. Bring the second copy to the JUPEP Final Examination venue.

Please note that:

1. The JUPEB 2013/2014 final examination will commence on August 11, 2014.

2. Only students who have fully paid the fees for the 2013/2014 Foundation Programmes of the University will be allowed to register for the JUPEB Final Examination.

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