Are you a UNILAG student who want to transfer from one department to another?
University of Lagos, UNILAG, wishes to inform members of the public and other concerned persons, that, The sale of Inter/Intra Faculty Transfer Application Forms for the 2013/2014 Academic Session will commence on Monday, January 27, 2014.
Interested students of the University are advised to ensure their eligibility and strictly adhere to the procedure indicated below:
Candidates for transfer must satisfy the following conditions:
- Present their results showing their current CGPA.
- Must possess the pre-requisite ORDINARY/ADVANCED level subjects for admission into the intended programme.
- Students who have been granted transfer in the past need not apply.
- Must have obtained a CGPA of not less than 1.00 at the end of 200 level.
- Must have successfully completed 200 level by the end of 2012/2013 academic session.
- Candidates must read the guidelines to ensure their eligibility for the transfer before obtaining the form.
- Eligible candidates should:
1. Pay the sum of Ten Thousand Naira(N10, 000.00) into: UNILAG CAC ACCOUNT with Account Number 1963005928 at ECOBANK;
2. Take the teller to the Cash Office of the University and be issued an official receipt for Inter/Intra Faculty Transfer form;
3. Photocopy the receipt of payment;
4. take the receipt of payment and its photocopy to the Academic Affairs;
5. register in the Register at the Academic Affairs office; ensure that the receipts are crossed and collect the form;
6. Complete the form and attach O’Level results and statement of result; and
7. Return the completed forms (duly signed by the current Head of Department and Dean as well as the proposed Head of Department and Dean) the Academic Affairs on or before February 28, 2014.
Areas Where Students Can Transfer
S/NO | FROM | TO |
1 | COLLEGE OF MEDICINE, FACULTY OF PHARMACY | Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education (Science & Tech) and Faculty of Social Science (Department of Psychology) |
2 | FACULTY OF LAW | Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education (Arts & Social Science) |
3 | FACULTY OF ENGINEERING | Faculty of Business Administration (Actuarial Science), Faculty of Science and Faculty of Education (Science & Technology) |
4 | FACULTY OF SCIENCE | Faculty of Social Science (Department of Psychology), Faculty of Business Administration (Actuarial Science) Faculty of Education (Science & Technology) |
5 | FACULTY OF ARTS | Faculty of Education (Arts & Social Science) |
6 | FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, FACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION | Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education (Arts & Social Science) |
7 | FACULTY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES | Faculty of Science, Faculty of Education (Science & Technology) |