The Institute of Continuing Education, University of Lagos in collaboration with the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences hereby invites applications for admission to study underlisted courses.
F Creative Arts (Theatre Arts, Music and Visual Arts)
F English Language
F European Languages (French and Russian)
F History and Strategic Studies
F Linguistic, African and Asian Studies (Igbo and Yoruba)
F Philosophy
Eligible Candidates:
F All candidates who possess five credits (5) passes in relevant O’ Level subjects including English and Mathematics at not more than TWO sittings and not less than 21 years of age are eligible to apply.
F The duration of the courses are four (4) and five (5) years, depending on entry qualifications.
F Mass Communication
Eligible Candidates:
5 Year Programme
Five (5) credits passes in O’Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and Literature in English and any other two (2) credit passes from any other discipline at not more than Two Sittings
4 Year Programme
Diploma Certificate in Mass Communication from University of Lagos or from other accredited University recognized by the Senate of the University of Lagos with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.00 and above on a 5 point scale; and also fulfilled the requirements in (1) above
3 Year Programme
HND in Mass Communication from accredited Polytechnics and Monotechnics at credit pass with 2- year Post HND professional experience. The candidate must be registered member of relevant Regulatory Agencies and/or Professional Bodies such as APCON, NIPR, NUJ, etc.
The candidate must similarly satisfy the requirements in (1) above.
Application forms are obtainable online via University of Lagos website URL. http://www.unilag.edu.ng.using ATM/Cash/Dedicated Teller obtainable on payment of a non-refundable fee of Fifteen Thousand Naira (N15, 000.00) only paid into any Bank within the campus using Treasury Single Account (TSA) via Remita Platform.
Completed application forms should be submitted online and a hard copy of the completed forms should be submitted to the Programme Faculty.
Examinations for these programmes which will be in English Language and General Knowledge are as scheduled below:
1.FACULTY/PROGRAMME: (Faculty of Arts) - Creative Arts, English Language, European Languages, History & Strategic Studies, Linguistic, African and Asian Studies
VENUE: Arts Block, Room 402
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Friday, October 28, 2016
EXAMINATION DATE: Friday, November 4, 2016
2. FACULTY/PROGRAMME: (Faculty of Social Science) - Mass Communication
VENUE:Mass Communication Building MBC 3 & 4
DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Friday, October 28, 2016
EXAMINATION DATE: Friday, November 4, 2016
NB: (1) Candidates are expected to come to the examination hall with the colour print of
their Application Form.
(2) Provisional Admission Letters would be ready for collection on Wednesday, November 16, 2016.
(3) The Programmes run in the evening.
For further information, please contact:
F The Director,
Institute of Continuing Education (ICE)
2nd Floor, Bookshop Building,
University of Lagos, Akoka, Yaba
Application Deadline
The deadline is October 28, 2016.