UNILAG 54th convocation programme of events

UNILAG 54th convocation programme of events

The Programme of Events and General Information for the fifty-fourth (54th) Convocation Ceremonies of the University of Lagos are indicated below:

Programme of Events

  • Date: Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Event: Pre-Convocation Press Conference to be addressed by the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Folasade T. Ogunsola, OON, FAS             Time: 10.00 a.m.           

Venue: Senate Chamber, 2nd Floor, Senate House, University of Lagos, Akoka

  • Date: Friday, January 12, 2024

Event A:2024 Convocation Ceremonies Special Jumat Service   

Time:2.15 p.m.        Venue: University of Lagos Central Mosque

Event B: Convocation Rehearsal I

Time: 4.00 p.m.      Venue:  J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium, University of Lagos, Akoka

  • Date: Monday, January 15, 2024

Event A:Opening of Exhibition & Commissioning of Projects

Time:10.00 a.m.      Venue:  Senate Car Park (A Section of the Park), UNILAG, Akoka

Event B:Convocation Lecture

Chairman: Dr. Yemi Ogunbiyi, Former Pro-Chancellor, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife.

Guest Lecturer: Prof. Toyin Falola, Professor of History, The University of Texas At Austin

Lecture Title: Decolonizing African Higher Education for Transformational Development

Time:12.00 noon – 2.00 p.m.    Venue: J. F. Ade. Ajayi Auditorium,   University of Lagos, Akoka,

  • Date: Tuesday, January 16, 2024: CONVOCATION DAY ONE

Event A: Congregation for the Award of FirstDegrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Prizes to Graduating students of the following faculties:

Time: 9.00 a.m.(Morning session)Faculties of Education and Social Sciences

Time: 1.00 p.m.(Afternoon session) Faculties of Arts, Environmental Sciences and Science

Venue:  J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium, University of Lagos, Akoka

Event B: Alumni Edutainment

Time:6.00 p.m.      Venue:   Sports Centre Indoor Hall, UNILAG, Akoka

  • Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2024: CONVOCATION DAY TWO

Event A: Congregation for the Award of First Degrees, Diplomas, Certificates and Prizes to Graduating students of the following faculties and institute:

Time: 9.00 a.m.(Morning session) Faculties of Engineering, Law and Management Sciences

Time: 1.00 p.m.(Afternoon session) Faculties of Basic Medical Sciences, Clinical Sciences, Dental Sciences, Pharmacy and Distance Learning Institute (DLI)

Venue:   J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium, University of Lagos, Akoka

Event B: Alumni Reception

Time: 6.00 p.m.              Venue:   Tolulope Odugbemi Hall,UNILAG, Akoka

  • Date: Thursday, January 18, 2024: CONVOCATION DAY THREE

Event A: Congregation for the Award of EMBA and EMNIF of the University of Lagos Business School (ULBS), PGD, Masters, Ph.D. Degrees and Best Ph.D. Award of the School of Postgraduate Studies (SPGS) and Conferment of Honorary Doctorate Degrees.

Time: 10.00 a.m.

Venue:   J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium, University of Lagos, Akoka

Event B: Luncheon with the Doyen  

Time:2.00 p.m.        Venue:  Senate Lounge, 1st Floor, Senate House, UNILAG, Akoka

Event C: Convocation Play

Title: The Midnight Hotel by Femi Osofisan (The Musical)     

Time: 6.00 p.m.       Venue:  J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium,UNILAG, Akoka

  • Date: Friday, January 19, 2024

Event: LONG SERVICE AWARD                                           

Time: 10.00 a.m.     Venue: Tolulope Odugbemi Hall, UNILAG, Akoka

  • Date: Sunday, January 21, 2024

Event:2024 Convocation Ceremonies Thanksgiving Service

Time: 10.00 a.m.       Venue: Chapel of Christ Our Light, UNILAG, Akoka


I) Mandatory Payment: Payment for ALL graduating students for the Convocation Ceremonies shall be as stated below:

First Degree Master Degree PGD, M.Phll Doctorate Degree
N27,000.00 N30,000.00 N30,000.00

ii) Purchase/Hiring of Academic Outfit: Gown, Hood & Cap shall be obtained at the following cost:

Academic Outfit Outright Purchase Hiring
First Degree N 40,000.00 N 15,000.00
Masters Degree, PGD, M.Phill. N 40,000.00 N 15,000.00
Doctorate Degree N 65,000.00 N/A

iii) Payment Procedure

Procedure Account Name Platform
All graduating students are to generate their payment advice from their student portal and use RRR to make payment. University of Lagos TSA Through Remita

iv) Collection of Academic Outfit, Invitation Cards and Order of Proceedings.

Academic outfit, Invitation Cards and Order of Proceedings will be available for collection at the University of Lagos Business School (ULBS), College of Medicine, School of Postgraduate Studies, Faculties and the Distance Learning Institute, with evidence (receipts) of payment.

Graduating students are to forward a copy of payment receipt to the under-listed e-mail addresses for their respective programmes, a week before convocation:

a. DLI: dlirecords@unilag.edu.ng            b. ULBS: ulbs@unilag.edu.ng

c. SPGS: recordspgs@unilag.edu.ng       d. Arts: foarts@unilag.edu.ng

e.Basic Medical Sciences: fobasmed@unilag.edu.ng

f.Clinical Sciences: foclinical@unilag.edu.ng      g.  Dental Sciences: fodental@unilag.edu.ng

h. Education:foeducation@unilag.edu.ng          i. Engineering:foengineering@unilag.edu.ng

j. Environmental Sciences: foenvironmental@unilag.edu.ng        k. Law: folaw@unilag.edu.ng

l. Management Sciences: fomngtscience@unilag.edu.ng    m. Pharmacy: fopharmacy@unilag.edu.ng

n. Science: foscience@unilag.edu.ng       o. Social Sciences: fososcience@unilag.edu.ng.

v) Return of Academic Outfit                                                                                                                                                         

All academic outfits should be returned immediately after the convocation ceremonies. Those who fail to return the outfit by Friday, February 2, 2024, shall be made to bear the cost of outright purchase (Forty Thousand Naira: N40,000.00) before clearance for certificate issuance.

vi) Collection of Certificates

All graduating students are expected to collect their certificates after the convocation ceremonies.

Any certificate not collected the year immediately after convocation shall attract a demurrage charge of Ten Thousand Naira (N10, 000.00). There shall also be an additional charge of Five Thousand Naira (N5,000.00) for every year that the certificate remains uncollected.

vii) Alumni Registration Fee to be paid into UNILAG Alumni Association Accounts as follows:

  • First Degree: N2,000.00                 (B) Postgraduate: N2,500.00

United Bank for Africa (UBA) A/C: 1000034082          WEMA Bank Plc A/C: 0121188199

ECO Bank Plc A/C: 1962000847             Access Bank Plc A/C: 0043655942

Guaranty Trust Bank Plc A/C: 0019787148

viii) Registration for Attendance at Convocation Ceremonies.

Each graduating student shall register to attend the Convocation Ceremonies via a link that will be sent to students’ e-mail addresses a week to the convocation ceremonies. On successful registration, graduating students are to print out the Access Code and present same at the Convocation Venue for admittance into the J. F. Ade Ajayi Auditorium. Graduating students are enjoined to attend the Convocation Ceremonies punctually at the time allotted to them as the doors will be closed immediately the programme commences.

The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Folasade T. Ogunsola, OON, FAS on behalf of the entire University community congratulates all graduating students. Please be assured that certificates would be ready for collection after the ceremonies upon presentation of all necessary clearance.

Wishing you all, blissful ceremonies.

Olakunle E. Makinde (Mrs.), MNIM, fisn

Ag.Registrar & Secretary to Council

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