Pursuant to Section 1, Sub-section 2 of the Students Union Activities (Control and Regulation) Act, which provides the following regulations for the purposes of controlling Students Union activities within the University of Lagos: the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Rahamon A. Bello has approved the following guidelines for Students Union Elections:-
1.Suspension of Section 2, Section 3 (ss4) and Section 4 (ss2) of Article 6 of the Students’ Union constitution 2014.
2.The Students’ Affairs Division shall screen all Electoral Committee members and contestants for executive positions into the University of Lagos Students’ Union (ULSU), Faculties, and Departmental Associations.
3.The Students’ Affairs Division shall provide observers for all elections.
4.Students who contest for Students’ Union elective positions shall not be eligible to contest for Faculty and Departmental executive offices in the same academic session or vice-versa.
Candidates for election into all offices must have obtained a CGPA of 3.0 without carry-over at the end of 2013/2014 First Semester Examinations.