The School of Foundation Studies, University of Lagos is inviting suitably qualified candidates for the 2016/2017 Academic Session.
Candidates who have two A-level passes, HND holders and graduates of recognised Institutions are exempted from the entrance examination and may be considered for admission into the School of Foundation Studies.
Highly successful candidates after an approved examination administered by the Joint Universities Preliminary Examination Board (JUPEB), are eligible for consideration for Direct Entry admission into the 200 Level of the Degree Programmes of the University through JAMB (Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board), or admission into the University of Bedfordshire, University of Central Lancashire, University of the West of England, De Montfort University, Leicester, and University of Birmingham, UK and Soochow University, China.
This is strictly a non-residential programme. (Please note that the programme does not currently have facilities for the visually impaired).
The School of Foundation Studies will provide an intensive one year taught subjects in line with JUPEB Syllabus for admission into the following Faculties:
(A) ARTS (Enquiries:- +234-909658428)
(i) Creative Arts (Theatre Arts, Music, Visual Arts) (iv) History and Strategic Studies
(ii) English (v) Linguistics, African & Asian Studies (Yoruba, Igbo)
(iii) European Languages (French, Russian) (vi) Philosophy
(B) BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION (Enquiries: - +234-8056595701)
(i) Accounting (v) Industrial Relations & Personnel Management
(ii) Actuarial Science (vi) Insurance
(iii) Banking and Finance
(iv) Business Administration
(C) EDUCATION (Enquiries:-+234-8023087779)
(i) Adult Education (xii) Education History
(ii) Business Education (xiii) Education Igbo
(iii) Christian Religious Studies (xiv) Education Integrated Science
(iv) Early Childhood Education (xv) Education Mathematics
(v) Educational Administration (xvi) Education Physics
(vi) Education Biology (xvii) Education Yoruba
(vii) Education Chemistry (xviii) Human Kinetics & Health Education
(viii) Education Economics (xix) Guidance & Counseling
(ix) Education English (xx) Islamic Religious Studies
(x) Education French (xxi) Home Economics
(xi) Education Geography (xxii) Technology Education
(D) ENGINEERING (Enquiries:- +234-7026385672)
(i) Chemical Engineering (vi) Metallurgical & Materials Engr.
(ii) Civil & Environmental Engr. (vii) Petroleum & Gas Engr.
(iii) Computer Engr. (viii) Systems Engineering
(iv) Electrical & Electronics Engr. (ix) Surveying & Geoinformatics
(v) Mechanical Engr.
(E) ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES (Enquiries:- +234-8034431439)
(i) Architecture (iv) Quantity Surveying
(ii) Building (v) Urban & Regional Planning
(iii) Estate Management
(F) LAW (Enquiries:- +234-8152136590)
(G) SCIENCE (Enquiries:- +234-8024390633)
(i) Biochemistry (vi) Geology (xii) Zoology
(ii) Botany (vii) Geophysics
(iii) Cell Biology & Genetics (viii) Marine Biology
(iv) Chemistry (ix) Mathematics
(v) Computer Sciences (x) Microbiology
(vi) Fisheries (xi) Physics
(H) SOCIAL SCIENCES (Enquiries:- +234-8023107727)
(i) Economics (iv) Political Science (vii) Social Work
(ii) Geography (v) Psychology
(iii) Mass Communication (vi) Sociology
(I) PHARMACY (Enquiries:- +234-803936336 1)
(J) COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (Enquiries:- +234-8023059033 )
(i) Dentistry (v) Pharmacology
(ii) Medicine (vi) Physiology
(iii) Nursing Sciences (vii) Physiotherapy
(iv) Medical Laboratory Science (viii) Radiography
SOOCHOW UNIVERSITY, CHINA, PROGRAMME: Medicine (only) (Enquiries -+234-9093621958; +234-8086757464)
UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE (U.K.) PROGRAMMES: (Enquiries +234-9093621958; +234-806757464)
Accounting, Advertising, Biomedical Science, Business Studies, Computer Science, General Media Studies (Mass Communication), Law, Marketing and Psychology.
(Enquiries: +234-9093621958; +234-8086757464)
Business Related Programmes: Business Administration, Business Studies, Business Information Systems or Technology, International Business, International Fashion Management, Management and Marketing, Marketing, Marketing and Business Management, Business Operations Management, Retail Management (with options).
Economics-Related Programmes: Economics, Business Economics
Law-Related Programmes: Law, Human Rights, Law and Criminology.
Construction-Related Programmes: Commercial Management & Quantity Surveying, Construction Project Management, Facilities Management, Building Services and Sustainable Engineering, Architecture.
(Enquiries – +234-9093621958; 234-8086757464)
Science-Related Programmes: Biomedical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Human Biology, Conservation Biology, Sports, Science, Forensic Science, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry.
Engineering-Related Programmes: Aerospace Engr., Mechanical Engr., Motorsport Engr., Electrical & Electronic Engr., Computer Science, Construction Management, Civil Engr., Architectural Design.
Environmental Sciences Related Programmes: Construction Management,
Civil Engineering, Architectural Design Technology.
UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM PROGRAMMES (Enquiries–+234-9093621958; +234-8086757464)
Chemical Engr, Civil Engr, Electrical & Electronics Engr, Mechanical Engr, Materials Science and Technology
DE MONTFORT UNIVERSITY PROGRAMMES (Enquiries–+234-9093621958; +234-8086757464)
Art, Design and Architecture; Business and Management; Computing Sciences; Creative Technologies and Media; Engineering; Health, Society and Community; Humanities; Law; Life Sciences; Music; Performance Arts and Arts and Festivals Management.
A minimum of FIVE credits (English Language, Mathematics and three relevant subjects) obtained in one sitting at the SSCE/WASSC, GCE/O/L, NECO with results obtained before registration. Note that Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics and Actuarial Science candidates require credit in Further Mathematics. Candidate must be 16 years and above by 1st October, 2017 to be eligible for Direct Entry into the University of Lagos.
• visit the University of Lagos website (www.unilag.edu.ng)
• on the prospective students menu, click on the School of Foundation Studies
• go through the information on subject combinations for completing the Application Form.
• complete the Pre-Application Form to obtain a payment reference number (PRN) using the applicant’s names.
For University of Lagos Staff Children:
• Click the staff biological child link, provide 5 digit staff ID number and select appropriate
• name on the staff children list to obtain a payment reference number (PRN).
• Cost of Application Form (including on line practice tests (excluding Bank Charges)): N= 25,000.00 (non-refundable).
• Make payment at any Commercial bank in Nigeria with the payment
• reference number (PRN)
- Return to the University website, click on School of Foundation Studies and click on continue Application. Log in with PRN and applicant’s surname in lowercase as password.
- Complete the application form, print two copies and bring along to the entrance examination on 29th August, - 1st September 2016
N.B.: Please read the information on subject combinations before completing the application forms online
Ø The Application opens on Monday, 4th April, 2016 and closes on Friday, 19th August, 2016.
Ø Examination Dates: 29th August, - 1st September, 2016.
Mode of Examination: Computer-Based Testing (Please check the Unilag Website a week before examination to verify your venue and examination date).
• All Questions are Multiple Choice.
• Examination subjects are: Mathematics, English Language (20 questions each) and 3 other relevant subjects of 15 questions each, that is, a total of 85 questions to be answered in 1 hour.
• Students are to report at designated venues - according to the schedule on the Examination Pass.
• All candidates must be at the designated venues two hours before the scheduled Examination time.
Results:- Results will be released on the University website and at the Faculties on: Tuesday, 8th September , 2016.
Registration/Verification: 12th - 16th September, 2016
Lecture begins: 19th September, 2016
Period of Programme: 12th September, 2016 - 30th June, 2017
All Enquiries are to be made to Director, School of Foundation Studies
+234-9093621958; +234-8086757464; +234-8039193089; +2348038295355
(Please call during Office Hours only, 8am - 6pm)