UNILAG Change Of Course Application For 2016/2017 Admission Announced

UNILAG Change Of Course Application For 2016/2017 Admission Announced

This is to inform the general public that Candidates who did not meet the cut-off points for courses of their choice in the 2016/2017 admission exercise of the University of Lagos that they should proceed to apply for change of course.

Limited vacancies exist in the underlisted programmes:

2016-2017 Available Programmes for Change of Course

Faculty of Arts
1. French
2. Russian
3. Philosophy

Faculty of Education
1. Adult Education
2. Education Islamic Religious Studies
3. Education Igbo
4. Education Yoruba
5. Education French
6. Education History
7. Education Christian Religious Studies
8. Education Geography
9. Human Kinetics & Health Education
10. Education Biology
11. Education Chemistry
12. Education Home Economics
13. Education Integrated Science
14. Education Mathematics
15. Education Physics
16. Technology Education

Faculty of Science
1. Botany
2. Fisheries
3. Physics
4. Zoology

1) Candidates who were disqualified for wrong UTME and O’Level subjects during the Post UTME screening can apply.
2) Candidates can only apply for courses advertised. Candidates who apply for courses not advertised will be automatically
3) Candidates can only apply for courses that their JAMB subject combination and O’Level subjects qualify them for.

Procedure for Change of Course
· Candidates should login to the applications portal (http://applications.unilag.edu.ng)
· Click the “Apply For Change of Programme”
· Select the new programme you wish to change to, then click the “Confirm Eligibility and Submit button”
· Proceed to any commercial bank to make payment for the Change of Programme
· Return to the Application portal to re-print the results slip by clicking the “Print Post UTME Result” link

Further clarification is available on email: admissions@unilag.edu.ng and the following phone numbers: 08182716045, 07046537158, 07043359831 and 08182716045.

Candidates are advised to adhere strictly to the guidelines and make necessary clarifications as deemed fit.

Application Deadline
Application closes September 9th, 2016.

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