Applications for admission into the Advanced Diploma Programme in English & Film Studies (ADEFS) of the University of Lagos is on.
Objectives: The general aim of the Advanced Diploma in English and Film Studies (ADEFS) is to offer an intervention platform through which the standard of Nigerian films can be enhanced.
The specific objectives of the programme are as follows:
•To develop the competence of film practitioners in spoken English and oral delivery.
•To develop the skills of film practitioners in the art of storytelling.
•To train movie practitioners and sharpen their skills in the art of translation and film subtitling.
•To equip film practitioners with English language norms and an internationally acceptable standard of English usage.
•To acquaint film practitioners with the synergy between the English language and the socio-cultural norms of Nigerian languages, which are raw materials for film production.
Admission Requirements
Applicants for admission to the Advanced Diploma in English and Film Studies must possess a minimum of four credits including English Language in not more than two sittings. Candidates may be subjected to a selection interview.
Duration of Programme and Lecture Period
The programme duration is two semesters, i.e. one academic session. Lecture period is Saturday only from 9am to 5pm.
Application Fee and Method of Application:
•Applicants are expected to visit the HRDC portal http//:hrdc.unilag.edu.ng to fill the pre-application form. (Contents of the pre-application form include Surname, First name, Middle name, E-mail address and Mobile number.) Upon successful completion of the pre-application form, the applicant will be issued a “Payment Reference Number” which should be printed out.
•Applicants should take their printout containing the payment reference number to any of the HRDC application fee collecting banks (Ecobank, Access Bank, First Bank and Wema Bank) on the university campus to make payment.
•After payment, applicants should return to the payment portal, click the application form link, log in with the Payment Reference Number and the Surname (in lower case and strictly as provided in the pre-application form) as password to access the application form.
•Only application payments that the bank has confirmed receipt of will have access to the application form. Applicants who experience challenges may return to the bank where payment was made to request that their payment be posted. (Notification of payment receipt shall be sent to applicants who have paid.)
•The password will be as provided in the Surname field in lower case; errors in filling of surname must therefore be reflected in the password used.
After completion of application form, printed copies (original printout and photocopy) should be submitted at the HRDC Secretariat with two (2) photocopies of the following documents:
1.Birth Certificate;
2.Reference Number printout;
3.N7, 500.00 teller; and
Tuition and Course Materials Fees
Tuition for the programme is N75, 000.00 (Seventy-five Thousand Naira). Admitted students are required to pay N 5, 000.00 (Five Thousand Naira) for Course Materials.
Closing Date
Application closes eight weeks from the date of this publication.
Dr (Mrs.) Taiwo.F. Ipaye, MNIN
Registrar & Secretary to Council