UNIJOS notice on deployment of shuttle buses to transport staff and students

UNIJOS notice on deployment of shuttle buses to transport staff and students

This is to remind Staff and Students of the University of Jos that the shuttle buses approved by Management to ease their transportation difficulties will be stationed at some strategic locations and ply the following routes on a round-trip basis.

a. Plateau Private - Tina Junction - Angwan Rukuba - University Staff Quarters Gate-Bauchi Ring Road - Naraguta Campus

b. Polo Round-About-St. Murumba-Farin Gada-Naraguta Campus

c. British-American Overhead Bridge-Old JUTH-Bauchi Road - Bauchi Road Campus

Departure times from each of the approved departure points are 7.00am, 1.00pm, 4.00pm and 6.00pm daily except Sundays.

Members of the University Community are to note that only Staff with valid Identity Cards and Students with evidence of payment/Valid Identity Cards will be allowed to board the Buses

Thank you.

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