This is to inform all students that the 2022/2023 Second Semester Examinations will commence on Monday, 20th May 2024. Accordingly, students are reminded of the following:
1. That Senate decision that those that have not paid their school charges should not be allowed to write the examination is still in force.
2. All students who have paid their Full School Charges are to log on to their Dashboard to print their Examination Card.
3. Students who have made part payment of their school charges are to ensure that their payment have been synchronized with their Faculty Finance Officer (FFO) and subsequently should pay the balance through their Dashboard, after the synchronization.
4. Students who have not made any payment are expected to pay the Full Charges through their Dashboard before they are allowed into the examination hall.
5. Students who have not made any part payment and are unable to pay the full charges but can make 50% payment should report to their Faculty Finance Officers (FFO) stating their reasons and giving an undertaking to pay the balance after the examinations. The 50% part payment would be made through the University REMITA Account - UNIVERSITY OF JOS - 1000113 (Undergraduate Outstanding Fees), as follows:
i. Go to www.remita.net
ii. Click “Pay TSA and States” Then Click “FGN: Federal Government of Nigeria”
iii. Who do want to pay? Type University of Jos
iv. Name of Service/Purpose Select Undergraduate Outstanding Fees
v. Fill out the requested details
vi. Click Submit to generate RRR
vii. Proceed to pay through a preferred channel (Card, USSD and Bank branch)
viii. Print your REMITA receipt and bring it along to the Examination hall.
ix. NOTE THAT all REMITA Receipts will be verified through the QR and on the REMITA Portal.
6. Students who have made part payment and are allowed to write the examination would not have their results released until full payments are made.
Similarly, all Students are advised to verify their payment status with their Faculty Finance Officers and proceed to print hard copies of their Remita Receipt, School Charges Receipt and Examination Card which they should bring along with them during their Examinations.
ALL STUDENTS ARE TO NOTE that anyone who has not paid their School Charges will not be permitted to write the Second Semester Examinations.