At an emergency meeting of the University Management of the University of Jos held on Monday, October 12, 2020, Management deliberated on the circular by the National Universities Commission on the level of preparedness for re-opening of the University for academic activities.
Management has directed as follows:
- That the University be temporarily closed with effect from Tuesday, 13th October 2020 to allow for cleaning of academic and non-academic areas, de-contamination of offices/classes, and cutting down of shrubs/grasses.
- That Staff should ensure that all lighting points and appliances in their offices are put off.
- That all Office Assistants, Works Attendants, Horticulturists and Casual Workers are to be at their duty posts and to participate actively in the cleaning and decontaminating exercises.
- That essential staff in the Directorate of Physical Facilities in charge of water and electricity are to continue to report for work.
- That essential staff in the Directorate of ICT are to continue to report for work.
- That the University Security Division should take full charge of securing the University properties and environment during the period of the closure.
Please note that the temporary closure is until further notice.
With high regards.
Chief Monday M. Danjem
Registrar/Secretary to Council